Yr Wonkette likes to think we know funny when we see it, and this report by Miriam Wasser on Sunday's Great Big "Stand By The Flag" rally at a Phoenix Walmart is funny. You should go read it right now and then come back and discuss how it makes you both proud and a little queasy to be an 'Merican.
The only problem, really, is that these goobers vote. Universal suffrage, I sometimes think, is vastly over-rated. The Founders were just waaaay too optimistic about the sophistication of the general public -- they gave us a system that could fuction well despite about 10% of the electorate being ignorant, certifiably insane dumbfucks, never imagining that the number would hit 30%.
I find it somewhat amusing that "I've got mine" so often translates to "I'm living in a trailer, still owe $9,500 on my pickup truck, and have $765 in savings."
Good points made. My only beef is the part where the idiot steps on the American flag while the Confederate flag is flying. Maybe that's just me, but I have a problem with that.
Not when you set them up screaming at crypto-neo-anarchists. That's comedy gold, not a sociology seminar.
The only problem, really, is that these goobers vote. Universal suffrage, I sometimes think, is vastly over-rated. The Founders were just waaaay too optimistic about the sophistication of the general public -- they gave us a system that could fuction well despite about 10% of the electorate being ignorant, certifiably insane dumbfucks, never imagining that the number would hit 30%.
"All over the place" = wingnut websites and Fucks Gnus, which keep this dumbfuck safely insulated from reality.
I find it somewhat amusing that "I've got mine" so often translates to "I'm living in a trailer, still owe $9,500 on my pickup truck, and have $765 in savings."
I now see how the can of pepper spray can start to become irresistible.
90% of the time, when three or more are gathered, they're already armed, so the law wouldn't change things much.
I'd love to see someone ask them what show would "belong" on the White Entertainment Network that isn't already being utilized on any other channel.
Monsieur, la toile Γ travers le monde vous appartient!
I hope he went all out on the wedding outfit - Sri Lankans put our boring old tuxedos to shame!https://viraj3t.files.wordp...
In the times of the Founders white property owners could vote.
Good points made. My only beef is the part where the idiot steps on the American flag while the Confederate flag is flying. Maybe that's just me, but I have a problem with that.
Remember, after a frullip is touched to the flutney,you must say "Β‘Mi tΓo estΓ‘ enfermo, pero la carretera es verde!"
They're both pieces of cloth, you'll be fine. Relax, breathe deeply. Just put a paper ba--- ah, ok, well just breathe deeply then.
I'm relaxed. I just think that moron belongs on the other side of the protest.
That was the weirdest game of Clue, ever.