We need an HR department run by, I dunno, "God"?

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Worked on the play in High School. Loved it. Early '70s.

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That's so cool. I saw it performed at one of our city parks in the early 70s.

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I forgot that because of the fluoride in the water.

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It’s also a joke because Unitarians are nothing (nothiiiiiiiiing) like Mormons, except maybe being looked at with misunderstood distain by protestant denominations. As a UU, I'm used to being the butt of the joke. *rolls eyes in Garrison Keillor* Narrator: UUs are anti-cult.

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Nooo, not the Unitarians! They’ll make young people think for themselves! Think of the children!

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Maybe someone will hand you a sandwich through the open window. As the train comes rumbling through. Sorry, wrong earworm!

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I’ll say one thing about Breger’s testimony- it’s heartwarming to hear that the Mormons and a Mexican drug cartel have finally found some common ground, and were so enthusiastic about their goals that they were motivated to collaborate. Now, even ordinary Arizonans who are not well-connected can get cushy government jobs!

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Not to mention, being *so* committed to eLeCtioN fRaUd!!!1! that she wants a do-over of her own election. Y’know- the one that she WON.

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Stoopid is as stoopid does…

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That said, we do think "Kafka Railroad" would be a really good name for a band.

Or the title of an album from said band. I'm thinking maybe death metal?

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I know so little about the various flavors of Protestant religions that I really can’t tell whether this was sarcasm. But I’m familiar enough with Dok’s writing style that I do believe it is.

Sorry Dok- I’m too stoopid to get your joke. If it is a joke.

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"That said, we do think "Kafka Railroad" would be a really good name for a band."

A lot of their songs are about sisters standing up, stretching their young bodies.

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it's AOT,K: a firm belief among some Protestants, a running joke among almost all Protestants as well as it is Dok's hallmark satire.

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"Kafka Railroad" is the B-side of my garage band's new 45 rpm CD. "Band's Name To Be Determined Later" thinks it goes well with "The Orange Blossom Special."

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I'm not Christian. But Smith was a proven scam artist.

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