Ta, Dok. I. Just. Can't.

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They chip away at abortion rights, little by little, and we respond with lawsuits, and they brush us off.

We simply say, "No," and they act like we just spat in their faces.

Fuck Republicans.

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We need to adopt their tactics.......they bring gasoline and a lighter.......we bring a flamethrower......make it two........never leave a job half finished.

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"...an Arizona GOP strategy document outlining a plan to introduce other constitutional amendments, possibly with titles that imply they’re pro-choice, which would actually cement stricter abortion bans in the state constitution, like a 14-week abortion ban, or maybe even a five-week ban. Such measures, the document suggests, could be promoted as complementing the amendment that would protect abortion rights, even though they would actually gut it."

It's what emotionally unwell, conniving sociopaths do.

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Did they not try this very strategy in Ohio recently? This Yes means No thing? And did they not fail miserably because the voters aren't nearly as stupid as the 'Pubbies like to believe they are?

Yes, yes, and yes.

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Arizona also banned gambling in 1864. That's still on the books, right?


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Painfully on brand for Republicans to bank on voter stupidity and gullibility to fight off the choice amendment.

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I've got some experience with ratfucking initiatives. The initiative process is really important in California, so we've seen a lot of them in the past. Take California's Prop. 8 in 2008, which banned gay marriage while implying that it supported the idea.

Yeah, it can be effective, but only on closely contested issues, or when the devil is in the details. Because you'll only fool the stupid or the ignorant.

On the first, there is not enough "stupid" to decide the vote. Abortion is too popular. Or, more correctly, abortion bans are too broadly repulsive.

On the second, "ignorance." Well, probably not there, either. If the subject is both boring and arcane, voters who will dig as deeply as necessary to figure out what's going on are...not as common as you'd hope. But that assumes that there are no well-known and well-trusted individuals or organizations campaigning against the ratfucking. Again, in this case, that's probably not gonna happen. Too many people care too much about this one.

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Are any of the patriotic Republican legislators included in the indictments that were handed down yesterday against the fake electors? I would be shocked to find out that the answer is "no".

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You would be shocked, shocked! .. to find the answer was "no".

[Casablanca reference, for folks who've never seen it. The corrupt French police inspector, played by Claude Rains, drops by for a little visit at Rick's casino (rick is played by Humphrey Bogart), and says "Rick, I am shocked ... shocked! ... to find gambling going on here." Rick, without skipping a beat, hands him a bag of loot and says "Your winnings, sir." ]

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Actually, the reference is that he's told by the Nazis to shut down the club as the band is playing the French national anthem. He does so immediately claiming that he's found gambling going on. At that point one of the casino staff come up to him with his bribe saying 'Your winnings, messieur'. He says 'thank you' and shoves it into his pocket.

The idea is to keep him as a sympathetic character, not one tied entire to the Vichy govt run by the Nazis.

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Thanks! I'm not one of those folks who's seen it a zillion times, though maybe I should be.

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I do like how the internet plays that one. Very appropriate.

I'm a bit too steeped in the film I guess. It was meant to help overcome isolationist tendencies in the American public at the time.

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I stopped at the nice times portion of this post. Way to go AZ Democratic party!

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Pissant Arizona Rethuglicans complaining about a lack of decorum. That's rich.

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Upvote for "One Hundred Years of Solitude" reference.

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I begin to suspect Republican legislators are actually mostly mediaeval feudal tyrants who escaped the peasant mobs surrounding their manors in time machines.

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The Republicans will have to gather 383,923 valid signatures to get anything on the ballot for November. Dems have over 500,000 signatures [and counting as of April 1st] to get a better Abortion law on the ballot and we have 3 more month to get more signatures. I don't see the R's getting this done through a vote come November, they haven't even started collecting signatures.

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They're elected officials. If it's anything like my state, it's a bill advanced through both houses like a law, except the end result is a slot on the ballot instead of the Guv's signature/veto.

They don't have to gather signatures like some common peon not fit to open the door for them.

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What the R's are trying to do, at least talking about is a getting something on the ballot to counter/confuse the Abortion ballot initiative that we have been working on to bring to a vote with the people come November, but to do that, they have to gather signatures, *they* would personally gather signatures, that would be up to AZRep Party to do, and they don't have time. I'm not sure if I'm being clear. The State Leg would not vote on this, this is not a bill, it's a ballot initiative, it bypasses the State Reps/Senate, and is voted for at the Nov elections by the people, and then if it passed Hobbs would sign it into law..

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Sunlight might be the best disinfectant. EXPOSE THEM

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“The lack of decorum we saw from members of the other side of the aisle…”

Nothing more decorous than a woman bleeding out while sitting in their car in a hospital parking lot because she can’t get reproductive medical care!

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Roe was law of the land for fifty years. Every story about experiencing traumatic emergency events in peoples' pregnancies happened with enough regularity that they were routine medical issues the way gun shot wounds routine medical issues (in America).

The stories of the harm these events cause weren't known because they didn't happen. They were addressed with standard, best practices, medical care.

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Gorsuch is skeptical that a prez could be prosecuted for leading ' a mostly peaceful demonstration at Congress that happens to delay congressional business.'

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what a gaslighting prick

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he's making my blood pressure rise

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I thought is was FBI agents, dressed as Antifas impersonating peaceful PAB supporters.

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Patriots, peaceful protest, American-hating antifa - whatever suits the Republican agenda at the moment.

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"it was mostly peaceful!"

"What about the dead person over there?!"


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Normal tourist murder.

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You're thinking of NYC.

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Oh, people exaggerate. I’ve been to New York lots and I’ve almost never been murdered.

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Republican Puritans are fucking warped!

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Jackson: The most powerful person in the world could go into office knowing that there would be no potential penalty for committing crimes … I'm trying to understanding what the disincentive is from turning the Oval Office into the seat of criminal activity in this country


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