They make money by provoking people at funerals and then suing them for damages when they are inevitably assaulted by someone attending the funeral and collect fees under the Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act when their protests are disrupted.

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It's like life starts anew in Arizona every morning and they have no clue as to any history that has taken place anywhere before today.

Other places have tried this against Westboro and a Federal Appeals Court threw it all out. There's a pending judgment due out by the SCOTUS this summer, but it seems fairly certain that 1st amendment rights will trump hurt feelings or personal outrage.

As much as I can't stomach Phelps and crew, I tend to agree.

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The weird thing about the Westboro people is that they come off as really articulate intelligent people when they’re interviewed. But then they have these totally wacko ideas about God and homosexuals. They even sing well. I heard them break into an acapella version of Ozzy’s Crazy Train and they pulled it off complete with 3 part harmony. They’re just a waste of a brain.

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<i>The chair of the Pima County GOP TPM in a later interview. "We will not sign on or advocate any policy that limits free speech."</i>

Unless it's someone wearing an anti-Bush T-shirt at a political event.

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