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"Here's five silver dinars, infidel, go buy a shirt to cover up that tattoo."

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Another friggin' grifter. Likely graduate of the Sarah Palin School for the Talentless and Tasteless.

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You won't find me in a hole like Saddam. I will hunker down in my hole. It is like he doesn't even hear his own words.

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... I'm available if you need more cowbell (there's always a need for more cowbell).

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Is it a deliberate campaign by the right to attract such whiney ass, cowardly douchenozzles?(Spell check is totally onboard with that being the correct spelling of douchenozzle. I wonder if that was a new word introduced to Webster's or if it's been around a while)

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The Sherman one...for sure.

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Maybe he could get Zimmerman to paint him, and they could split the profits.

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Do they have paint-by-numbers wackaloon pictures?

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He's gonna hunker down and fight his own hole ? What's he got against his own hole , and what if his ass secedes from the rest of him ? He's inciting a riot .

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Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.

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Hey, you misspelled "turly" there. Better check your spellcheck settings and make sure that you have the Wingnut module installed.

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Why stay in college? Why go to night school? Gonna be different this time. Can't write a letter, can't send a postcard, I can't write nothing at all.

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I think they can only count up to two.

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He wants his LIFE back? Gee, Ritzheimer, you should have thought for TWO SECONDS before turning yourself into a pathetic, hate-spewing spectacle that by the way was asking for a cool $10 mil. One thing you aren't is smart, your effort to turn yourself into a cash cow by making an ass of yourself and putting a LOT of other people in danger has merely made you a poster-boy for everything that is wrong with this country . . . pompous, self-righteous, self-defeating jackasses!

Also "the media won't talk to him!!!" LOL @ the sense of entitlement OMG!

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He's gonna go fuck himself . . . apparently!

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