they should get special early voting hours is what i'm thinking.

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One thing's for sure: they ain't gittin' no 'Bortions w/Uncle Sam's $$$. Cuz that'd be sinful!

And sorry about the random capitalization. Wonkette and the iPad keyboard have a lot of disagreements.

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Either I read or dreamt, some years ago, that the Israelis had used it on the Palestinians. A female soldier would appear topless from one of the hatches of a personnel carrier and while the Palestinians were staring, another soldier would start shooting.

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I don't think that she will GTFO.

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I thought the "Most Dangerous Game" was asking Ann Falter out on a date.

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Remember how Multiple-Choice Mitt said he didn't feel like he went to Viet Nam (well, because he didn't)?

Maybe the Arizona National Guard didn't exactly feel like the suggestions were carried out...

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Maybe it's just me, but if I'd been forced to look at a homeless woman's tits I would have a very hard time whipping it up.

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That would explain my beady eyes.

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Topless? Heck, all she had to do was take off her hat and gunglasses. After twenty years of seeing every woman except your mom covered head to toe in a dark sheet, I think that would have been enough.

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Bugs Bunny is my hero.

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I couldn't tell if that was an officer in the Arizona National Guard or a New York City co-op doorman.

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Be careful what you wish for. Very, very careful...

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I have no problem with them having <i>some</i> privileges and advantages. Tormenting other people, particularly the less fortunate, wouldn't be among the perks. Mature humans with any empathy would understand this.

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Think of the paintballs as really hard beads, coming at you really fast.

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Gov. Brewer looks like she wishes Maj Gen Salazar would recruit her. . .

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I sense a new subreddit coming. /r/homelessboobs anybody?

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