one gets weary of saying 'except for AZ'. henceforth it may be assumed.*

* with apologies to AJP Taylor.

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Charge the Texas public $25, and they'll really rake in the cash. I'm thinking a pay-per-view deal with HBO.

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I'm waiting for the Broadway show. Hey, I have an idea, we'll use the the barn out back. I'll sing you'll dance. It can't miss.

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V572 T-Blow: When Florida used convicts on private turpentine plantations, they lasted about a month. So the State (which actually sold the prisoners) had to keep rounding up Black folks for alleged crimes to keep the system running.

Check out "American Siberia" - it's available on Google Books.

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Frank Luntz is getting lazy. "Fee" instead of "tax" is just lame. We don't even hear "revenue enhancement" anymore. In fact, the Republicans will call ANYTHING a tax if wealthy white people are paying it. Parking meters? A job-killing tax on motorist-Americans! "

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And what happens if an applicant fails the background check? Someone who, say, associates with known criminals, like the mothers of (black/Latino) marijuana users)? They won't be allowed to visit their loved one?

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New Mexico. They just charged a woman $1200 for a full body cavity search. No, she had no priors. No, they found nothing. Not to mention the hospital visit. This private justice/prison shit has got to be stopped. Fuck Wackenhut it's a foreign company anyway.

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I'd happily pay $25 to see Dubya in prison. And another $25 for Cheney. If they wanna put 'em on death row, I'll pay double.

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Only our trolls are humor impaired (and, actually there's at least one exception, there) and they don't come by much since the demise of the downfist, so don't worry. Ok, well there's plenty to worry about, but not snark. =)

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