Ivermectin is not some fancy experimental drug the government can "withhold". It's used (among other things, I assume) to treat mange mites in pets. I had a vet who was nice enough to give a pet mouse a shot of it for me, but he needed a more dilute preparation, which I was able to get easily from a local compound pharmacy. If that shit cured covid, we'd have a lot of itchy pets.

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I got mine last month from the VA. Had mild soreness at the injection site after the second that was gone by the time I got home.

All of this fear mongering is just more gaslighting. I don't know how the cultists can keep it up. That much stupid should hurt.

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I've got some news for all of you. Today, my Moderna vaccine turned me into a plant!!! I got really hungry, and I started to scream out uncontrollably, "Feed me, Seymour!!!" Finally, as you feed me my pound, make it pounds of flesh, you better be playing this song as you feed me, or I'll eat you too.-https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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From the looks of that sign, it's not just babies that are having 'cognitive' difficulties.

If I'm about to be turned into a plant, I'd like to be a wisteria. A purple one, please. They're pretty and fragrant and strong enough to bring down a sturdy trellis and creep into an attic through the siding. OK, that part actually happened to me.

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Actually it might be a GOOD thing if these idiots couldn't procreate. If you've been vaccinated, try to find out where they are, sidle up next to them, and START SHEDDING!!!!!!

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And why not, after all?


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Our green and yellow buddies!

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It's also used to deworm horses. It's for sale at most feed stores.

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So good for the horses too that it doesn't cure covid! (Sorry worms.)

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I think we should consult world renowned reproductive expert Ian Malcolm on this weighty issue. https://media2.giphy.com/me...

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They can have their plan-based paper!

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I have been fully vaccinated since January and the woman I share an office with not only got pregnant, but so far all signs point to a healthy baby. She declined the vaccine because she was trying to get pregnant, so hopefully her OB/GYN will recommend she get it now. She felt there was no information saying it was safe in pregnancy. I refrained from going into research mode and giving her evidence that m-RNA vaccines (hell, so far all vaccines) are not only safe but recommend for pregnant women or those seeking to become pregnant. Also, I am totally not a giant carnivorous plant. I still can't eat land animals (it's a physiological thing), but do still nibble on people. Just ones I like and are okay with that.

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Hahaha, honestly could not tell that was sarcasm or if some anti-vaxxer had wandered into the wonkette comments to be evicerated.

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