I know not what means uatocorreikt? Whoot ees thrat?<br />JD

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most Oklahoma politicians ARE turkeys.

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Arizona will soon be like those places in the Middle East where people fire their guns in the air to celebrate anything at all. I would suggest they go even further and, as an example, fire a warning shot when they intend to drive into an intersection. One shot for proceeding through a stop sign, two for a left turn, etc. In fact there should be no set rules, simply begin firing when you want the waiter's attention, are tired of waiting at the DMV, or whenever you hear a song you don't like. Artizona. Just like the Wild West!

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And most are in the legislature.

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my folks have pics of me and lily sis cowering, surrounded by ducks after thread we werefeeding them.they think its sooooo funny. Haha, cute, now how about a rescue dad, before these bastards push using the lake?

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"“As far as I’m concerned, there is no cost too high to protect my constitutional rights.”

That explains why you don't give a fuck how many citizens get killed. Thanks for clearing this up, because I was really wondering. And I see where public safety in Arizona is <a href="http:\/\/www.reuters.com\/article\/2012\/03\/03\/us-arizona-shooting-idUSTRE8220KP20120303" target="_blank">really, really improved </a> when there are lots of guns around.

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Folks in AZ respect sheepdogs. They just wait for their turn.

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Or a seat in the state legislature.

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When the first gun comes out, everyone else is bound to fell threatened -- but what could possibly go wrong?

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Well, doh ... they are afraid of people with guns.

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"Sorry about your left frontal lobe, Gabby ... but trust me, it's totally worth it."

-Sen. Steve Smith (Fuckwit, AZ)

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On the bright side, fertile women can now drive in the HOV lanes.

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But did you see how that turkey was dressed? Just asking for it, I tells ya!

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Just so long as nobody's using contraceptives.

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<i>"...there is no cost too high to protect my constitutional rights..."</i>

This guy does know that "no cost too high" actually means "no tax too high", doesn't he?

The Second Amendment mentions "a well-regulated militia". The NRA and its gun nuts seem to think that means guns should be unregulated. Jared Lee Loughner agrees.

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It's pointless to say, but guns play almost no role in stranger-vs-stranger events*. But they play a vastly outsized role in domestic disputes, accidents, suicides an so forth. _______________________ * Being robbed at gunpoint is <i>safer</i> than by knife or club or whatnot. The victims cooperate and don't try to be heroic.

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