"Montgomery said that not implementing the 20-week ban would doom fetuses that might be saved due to advances in medicine."

"Doom"? As in, all women will just naturally choose to have an abortion, and only this asinine law will prevent it? Republitard logic, at its best.

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HA! we're heading to stratford <i>next w/e</i> for our annual family reunion (mostly at bentley's bar though sometimes we actually manage a play as well.). my parents are actually looking to retire there. my mom claims it's b/c of american gov't overreach (she's the canadian socialist who has inexplicably become a WSJ spouting murdoch loving republican), but i think she's longing to move home (though she's originally from montreal).

you know u of c is one of my nerve centers as well? though i suspect opposite ends of campus. (though come to think of it, court theatre is right in the astrophysics / nuclear power corridor isn't it)?

small world.

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Although "A well-regulated militia..." means absolutely literally nothing.

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How will you calculate the taxes due on your million-dollar dividend .... oh, wait.

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Gives Needles a whole new meaning.

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i have not had much time for the wonkettes of late but i always make a point of reading your comments.

and i'm never sorry.

i am also 100% pure liberal arts and if that theory of enumerable whatsit is not an alternate spelling from a corrupted webster quarto, i'm moving to canada where they are less extreme.

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oh pinko sending you many good wishes.

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Hatch chilies are the best. We serve them every September on the placenta fajitas at my Abortionplex in Truth or Consequences, NM.

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Let's not forget the fine people of Oklahoma and Mississippi.

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And now you understand why the Governor of AZ is known as GED Jan.

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Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with her face?

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Advances in medicine that surely won't come to fruition in the next 20 weeks.

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Wars on Wimminz, Math and teh Mooslins. Well, they are called <i>Arabic</i> numerals, so that's two fer one right there. And teh Wimminz are just dangerous.

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That's standing Catholic Church doctrine, no?

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Repeat after me: "They're only pro-life <em>until</em> birth"

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