Then you're probably fine. As noted in another comment, if it becomes regular, you may consider talking w/ someone if that's an option... It can be a symptom of some form of clinical depression if it happens often.

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Hospitals are super haunted.

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Too soon!

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Not to Trump-worshipping Republicans, and least of all the U.S. electoral system.

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It's like "Benghaaaaaaazi!" and "But her e-mails!" Keep going with the accusations and insist that each new investigation that didn't bring the results you want was inadequate or outright crooked. They STILL didn't find any bottom-dealing? Well put an even more partisan bunch of incompetent amateurs on the job!

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Your paragraph on Faith vs Facts is the most spot-on thing I've read in weeks. Congratulations.

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It can be two (or more) grifts...

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You would think that living in Arizonn, they'd know to send the mail to another place that's sort of 'deserty' rather than the North Pole.

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L'état, c'est toi!

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Reason versus superstition: a battle renewed by the Enlightenment. Where are our current Diderots, Voltaires, Rousseaus, Humes, etc.?

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How can one even be a 'Cyber Ninja?'

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A "Reverse Conspiracy Theory"? Is that what the GQP now calls "the truth"?

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Two braincells and a MyPillow should do it.

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Kind of disheartening that only one state Senator has the cojones to call this recount what it is. Well, no matter, when the Cyber Ninjas (lol, that name!) come up empty ended, the joke will be on the GOP and that’s not a bad thing.

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Randy Rainbow

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That's exactly what they're going to do. "Trump won! We have proof! No, you can't see it."And that will be the new "truth" for 49 percent of voters.

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