GOP asshole's never surprise me. Is it fear of reality? Does it make them feel somehow superior? A demoralizing control thing? Female inmates should mail the used pads to these DOPES wives or mothers. They embarass other males.

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Cannot unthink squid. Can you see it yet? Brain bleach is on isle 16.

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Wait, why does Arizona have twice as many female prisoners as Colorado? It doesn't have twice as many women.

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Deep down inside their worm eaten core, republicans haven't forgiven women for Original Sin. Truely a completely FUBARed political party whose big tent includes Klan, Tiki-Nazis, racists, and bigots.

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I've done it & the flow wasn't light, either.

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Hallelujah the bill passed and women won't get penalized in penitiary for being women.That was a deliberate policy to humiliate and control female prisoners. " Damn these expensive 🚺 cons, we have to cut costs somewhere !!!!!! "

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The word "menstruation" is derived from mēnsis the Latin word for "month" and has nothing to do with masculinity. Maybe if you'd study a little etymology, you'd know these things.

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E.A. Blair Get over yourself.

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More dipshit Republican misogyny on display from our AZ contingent. Idiots.

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These are Republicans. People stay home. Don’t bother to vote and then we’re shocked when troglydytes win. Progressives suffer from a giant self inflicted wound called purity and women like this suffer from it. Half a loaf is better than none, to grownups anyway.y

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You have a bad case of Spoonerism going on.

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wait, empathy, from male type conservaturds? have you lost your mind? i wouldn't buy my lady's cigarettes, but had no problem going by myself to the store to get her tampons. the latter, i could see the need for. the former, not so much. i believe smoking while taking birth control pills contributed to her cancer, and urge women who smoke to get an IUD, rather than take the pill.

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surly shirley you can find a better place to play trollio. surely shirly your bridge misses you.

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you would be surprised how many guys are totally freaked out when i tell them i got my red wings on my 20th birthday. especially when i explained what red wings are to those who didn't know.

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What is wrong with these people, from the ones writing tickets for "being out of dress code" and for "contraband" for using improvised tampons, right up to Reps. Frivolous and Feel-Good? It almost seems like entrapment to me, setting the women up to fail then dropping the hammer on them. I'm surprised they didn't complain about TP budget and profess to be baffled, mystified, gobsmacked that women wipe after peeing too because hey, WE don't have to, so what's up with that?

I wonder if any of these jerks have the balls to complain to their wives about the household tampon budget and demand to know why she uses so many? Duhhhh, couldn't you just wash them out, honey?

Good god!

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I want this comment printed on a t-shirt!

I don't want it in small type, because then it'll be hard to read, so instead, a comment muumuu.

Bottom line, everyone in the left voting their precious purity principals needs to spend a week suffering each consequence they bring down on their fellow citizens by doing it. Or, you know, just grow up. That would work, too.

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