Exhibit #31,435,231 in the annals of "Why Tucson Hates Phoenix".

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Free Baja AZ!

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Time for Tucson to pass a city ordinance invalidating any state law they deem incompatible with the federal or state constitutions, I should think...

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Given the US is unable to get the 2nd amendment right, and keeps illegally restricting rights, the fact the fuckwits have got it right proves you really need to see the Constitution as a living document, and not some sacred piece of text.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Although in United States v. Miller (1939), the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government and the states could limit any weapon types not having a “reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia”, that ISN'T what the 2nd amendment says. It is clear - the state can not infringe the right to bear arms. It doesn't go on to say "except the stuff that is obviously stupid". Nor does it say "but not ammosexuals who think humping a rifle round Walmart is perfectly reasonable."

The problem is that a few years ago the Supreme Court chose to erroneously interpret "the people" as to mean "citizens" when it NEVER means that - it means the populace as a whole. If you choose "citizens" then any law that prohibits someone carrying a weapon is breaching the 2nd, and any SCOTUS decision that doesn't stand up for that is unconstitutional. Point to the part of the 2nd that gives exceptions. You can't. The NRA should either demand ANYONE can be armed (including those icky non-whites and gayz, as well as all criminals) or STFU.

Or you could bring an 18th century document into the 21st cent.... what am I saying, that would just be creeping islamic socialism.

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It's OK, he hates the Messicans even when he's butt sechsing them

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Can the Arizona Leg also get on with its Jobs Agenda. To include: -- everyone must change their underwear twice a day -- official language to be Esperanto -- piles of sand and rocks legal tender -- half the Leg to go to Libya to investigate Benghazi -- other half to go to Hawaii to investigate Obammer's long form birth certificate

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Speaking of Bundy, I believe Sheriff Mack is wound up in this new bit of idiocy, also too

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AZ wingnuts love the constitution in theory, but they just don't get what's in it.

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Breeding isn't the real problem- it's that all the old wingnuts from around the country move here to <strike>die</strike> retire and they have nothing better to do with their time than to watch Fox News, get outraged and vote

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Flagstaff is fine, as is Tucson. Just stay out of Maricopa county or the rural areas- they're all completely batshitcrazy

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Agenda 21 agents sell houses, and wear mustard-colored jackets.

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short answer- we elected Doug Ducey as guvnor- the one person they could find who is both dumber and more corrupt than Jan Brewer

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Well, I for one was beginning to think AZ was losing it's cutting edge in derpville what with all that TX and FL mudslinging going on. Welcome back!

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Just WOW! That is some awesomey ranting you got yourself there. As a Masshole, and wicked proud of it, I could not agree with you MORE on some history lessons these puke-diots need to be aware of.

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Pffft, that's <strike>meth</strike> bat country

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