Mexicans whose families have lived in America for 25,000 years.

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Elect Rick Perry so American can be worth some glass beads and whiskey again!

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Better be the long form receipt.

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I'm kinda thinking the rest of us can secede and leave Arizona by itself. Or use the same plan to make Texas the Lone Star State again.

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If the Republicans are back to birth certificates, they've truly given up on 2012.

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You are so wise. And mysterious. Like an enigma wrapped in a tortilla wrapped in wax paper. The best taco is no taco. WAIT, I'm wrong. The best taco is from Juan's Authentic.

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I'm waaaay out east in Bewilderment. Isn't Arpaio that bad-ass Texas sherriff from the old commercials? "Boy, you in a heap o' trouble!"

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Fantum's idea of <a href="http:\/\/www.nationformarriage.org\/site\/c.omL2KeN0LzH\/b.7511255\/k.E0CE\/Maggie_Gallagher_Chairman_of_the_Board.htm" target="_blank"> sexxxy.</a> Three chins, creamy white skin, and bangs, fucking <i>bangs.</i>

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what you said.

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i do not quite follow your conclusion that we should be wearing bags on our heads.

other than that though, very well reasoned arguments. certainly, you have convinced me.

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on the plus side, the more he investigates barry, the less time for all of his other crap.

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i think he's kinda sweet. cutting and pasting and being all phantom and stealth like with his nonsense.

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You go over there and your brain starts turning to sawdust. Yet, you remain a physiologically functioning person.

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Seriously...who'da thunk that there would be a "news organization" that made the National Enquirer seem reasoned and honest?

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His empire is not a news organization. It's the propaganda branch of the GOP.

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B is for <i>Butthole</i>, right? Because the normal acronym doesn't quite work.

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