Entitlement and victimhood have become the core of the GOP.

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Yeah, the gizzards are a great value. But, we were making halal pepperoni, needed some fat !

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Don't worry King, she has a masters degree in computer systems and works for a huge international data co , she does enjoy dressing however she pleases.

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What church is that?The First Science-Free God Squad Brotherhood.

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Our community has a similar backpack program. It is wonderful. It also started with a handful of kids about 10 years ago and now serves almost all the public schools in our county. Another similar charity covers the remaining schools.

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Yep, it should be emphasized that he is mocking every normal Arizonan with this behavior. It should be rubbed in that he is treating everyone but himself as a second class citizen, exposing them to risk via his dangerous driving. His excuses are 1 - he has a get out of jail free card (picture Monopoly Man) and B - he has a fancy, expensive car so it's fine.

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Only one of those options is likely.

This November has the potential to be the last free and fair elections in the USA.

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He's Republican.

That's all they care about.

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Republicans always wanted fascism. They can't contain themselves now that it's so close.

Vote in November as if your freedom depends on it. Because it does.

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Actually, Arizona isn't the only state (and the US isn't the only country) where public servants, especially members of the judiciary, have some immunity from prosecution. 2013 was the first time EVER in the US that a prosecutor who knowingly convicted an innocent person was ever tried for that. His victim spent 25 years in jail. The guilty prosecutor did five DAYS.https://www.theguardian.com...

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A perfect description of Kingman! Maybe he drives 120 so he can get out of there fast.

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Because they _alway_ endorse the Law And Order Party -- Republicans.

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He's LDS with seven children, so it's too late to redact him from the gene pool. However, there's no reason why those poor kids have to suffer with a worthless shit for a father. Someone should call the child-protective services on him (except that in Arizona that agency is totally underfunded, undermanned and over the barrel).

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There's no cell-phone service in a lot of northwestern Arizona. He may be out of luck trying to make that call.

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Also, I want to know where Mosley got his high-speed training. Did he spend a week at the Bondurant school down in Phoenix? That's pretty expensive, especially for a Mormon from Lake Havasu City with seven kids.

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He's LDS, so he's already homeschooling. He doesn't want to pay for ANYONE else's kids' educations.

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