1. Despite being a bit drunk, I think the BLM did the sensible thing. This is not a dispute that warrants bloodshed. They can come back in a month and round up some cattle. And a month later, etc. The BLM isn't going to cease to exist. The enthusiasm of the guntriots will, however, wear off with repetition. Especially so, if the BLM takes pictures, and then has assholes arrested away from the scene.

2. On some linked comment stream, I ran across an excellent point of view, which is "Why are you getting so upset over this millionaire-ante asshole, when the US justice system has completely ignored the hundreds of billions of dollars ripped off by the banksters?"

Don't mistake me, I don't think Bundy's relative triviality should give him a pass. It's also disturbing to see that a bunch of white lawbreakers waving guns around gets treated far more deferentially than bunches of diverse, unarmed lawbreakers.

But it still helps my blood pressure a little to remember that this schmuck is a thousandth of a percent of the problem with US "capitalism".

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I almost can't wait until there's a Repubican in the White House so the government can go back to doing whatever it wants without there being a mountain of wingnut outrage over it. Almost.

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Late to the game, but...

" I don’t recognize my country at this point."

I know how you feel, you supercilious twit...although probably for very different and measurably rational reasons.

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What you're describing seems to be a(n appliance) parts store, not a regular hardware store. There are still a couple of them in San Jose, but now that I live in the foothills, I'm pretty much reduced to online. Which works, except you don't get to actually see the bit before they ship it to you, so there is some back-and-forth.

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Congratulations on not shopping a MLP in there.

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What is it with Bundys--McGeorge, Ted, Al, now this?

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Josey Wales?

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Dave Koch?

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the kicker is that those Mormons likely relied upon the muscle provided by the US Cavalry to forcibly take that land from said Indians

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The Lord heifer who heifers themselves.

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Hey! I get my raw milk from this guy!

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Three armed blahs showed up at a polling place 6 years ago and these fuckwits STILL can't quit yabbering about it

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If God be with us, who be Angus?

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Acc to several wingnuts, this is Harry Reid himself behind this, taking a page right out of the Marx/Lenin/Hitler/Alinsky/Obama/Red Sox playbook. Supposedly Reid wants a personal solar panel farm there (of course).

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As a Nevadan, I would suggest Arizona get it's own house in order before they decide to dictate what we should do.

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