If these people ever got the country they think they want, they would loathe it. It would be like India where one billionaire lives in a 50 story skyscraper and looks out over the slums of Calcutta.

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I imagine the Dover School District lawyers also got a huge about of satisfaction when their turn to say "I told you so" came around.

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Bring back the Golden Horde.

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No need for a spilt spoilt spiced split spelt spite spate, Spot.

(Autocorrect just loves this sentence.)

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It can be done though, it you are really into that kind of thing and are impervious to pain.

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... and according to CSI: Cyber, there's also the "darknet" (or "darkweb" - can't remember which)... and someone mentioned Mark Zuckerberg has plans for one of his own, not mention, if Person Of Interest has taught me anything, it's that we actually may have been better off when everyone got their internetz through AOL.

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... whenever I miss a potential Shit-Fer-Brains candidate, I am grateful for the non-comment replies that remain - especially when they quote the now Guest verbatim - that way I get the essence of the derpitude that is being so deftly eviscerated by veteran Wonkateers.

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You know, for being such a super duper lawyer there sport, you sure do have a reading comprehension problem. Dr Acula didn't call you a coward, he told you to get lost.

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It was at least junior high name calling, you twat.

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So you are in effect stipulating that the Congress can not pass a law endorsing religion but the States can? Then I ask you this; If state and local laws limit the possession of weapons, why do the Federal Courts strike them down on a regular basis? If you are such a strict constructionist, I would think your reading of the preamble to the second amendment would limit the public ownership and use of guns. You can not, with a straight face, honestly expect us to let you and your ilk pick and choose from the Constitution what best serves your facist positions can you?

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no, it does mention a creator, and it is said "creator" that supposedly endows us with these inalienable rights, of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that are guaranteed by the constitution. my "creator" was my mother. she made me from her own tissue. or, don't you think the bill of rights are part of the constitution?

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I never said you did. Answer a question with another question? As you noted above, whomever paid for YOUR education wasted their money. I apologize for raising my voice. I don't ussually shout and have little patience or time for the likes of you. That said, bugger off.

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My, aren't you touchy? You show up here and insult everyone's intelligence, then get a case of the vapors when they push back. For the record, pedantry is a descriptive term for what you are doing, not name calling. However, after reading some of the conversations you've had here with others, I honestly can't blame them for using some salty language- it's that whole lack of social skills thingy I alluded to earlier, it's rather off putting. Also too, name calling doesn't preclude intellect- that's just another one of those straw men you're so fond of. I've known quite a few mild mannered dullards in my time, as well as some rather fiery intellectual heavyweights.

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Shall I break out the smelling salts? Quite frankly, whining about coarse language on the Internet is a sign you are in fact losing that argument.

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And you prove my point. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the constitutional bedbugs bite.

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Being called out as a condescending snot is not the same as winning an argument.

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