Sarah Palin had the "prick" part of her comment correct.

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My own rescue cat threatened to bite my arm for just reading this....or possibly 'cause I touched his tummy while scratching him. Nobody touches the tummy, ya hear? NOBODY.

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You still need a varied diet. Some collieflower on the side, maybe.

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Hope everyone caught <a href="http:\/\/bielzebubba.tumblr.com\/post\/63483125842\/stephen-colbert-demonstrates-how-govt-shutdown-is" target="_blank">Colbert's demonstration of the "pinprick" concept. </a>

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Guinea pigs could become a viable source of protein for more people. They are relatively cheap to feed, don't take up a lot of space and you can use the leftovers to make lots of furry vests and slippers. The down side is the sqealing during their adorable love-making will keep you awake all night.

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<i>In a written statement, Brewer said that the actual number of families denied aid was actually 3,200; there was no explanation of the discrepancy between the two numbers.</i>

And the missing 2,000? It's ok, they have already been served. Do have another slice of Lasoygna, won't you?

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Paging Imelda Marcos?

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...<strong>CONSERVATISM</strong>: when being an A$$HOLE isn't enough!

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How are we going to end poverty if we keep feeding the poors?

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I've got this.

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