This idea conflict with mine for mandatory NFL attendance. According to my sources, Sylvia has been slacking lately. She can get right with the Lord by doing funnels in the parking lot....

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Look, all you screamy liberals, Arizona state Sen. Sylvia Allen is NOT introducing legislation to make going to church on Sunday mandatory

Goddamnit! I was going to found the first church to worship the Firehawk!

Now I need a different plan to turn Borderlands into a religion...

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You win the internet.

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The good news is that because of the fact the concept of sin is no longer believed by this society, organized religion, aka christianity, is surprisingly rapidly shrinking to closer than extinction than it is to ever returning to its lunatic heyday. Which is yet another sign of the Law of Evolution.

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Shouldn't be too hard. I, at least, play it religiously!

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Hmmm.......Looks like my first wife.

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Donald Trump and he wants his dead ferret back.

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Because there was no sinning in the 1950's- no adultery, nom promiscuity, no discrimination, no hate or bigotry, no debauchery, everyone told the truth and was nice and polite and went to church and helped little old ladies across the street and...

At least that's the way it looked on black and white TeeVee

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Say hello to my little friend...

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Sure, the teen pregnancy rate used to be higher, but that's because of all those abortions getting reversed.

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Arizona State Senator Slyvia Allen needs to be very, very, very, very afraid of squirrels...


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Sylvia Allen is the quintessence of the whacko Mormon legislators in Arizona. She is truly a nut job that only gets reelected because she comes from a district that is 90% Morons (oops, I mean Mormons). If it weren't for GPS she could never find her way out of a wet paper bag. Truly, she is really that dumb.

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And now she's the only one who will give her son-in-law blowjobs for cigarettes. Sad, really.

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I will attend the Church of Perpetual indulgence on Saturday nights.

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Leave it to Beaver?

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Thankfully Eddie Haskell was there.

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