When the French Academy of Sciences started publishing their proceedings in English, it was pretty much game over for the purists.

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Dream on. Stupidity and reproduction go together like tents and wine coolers.

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Much more likely that the dust in those parts contains the dung of the cattle herd. And hantavirus.

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Obviously a left-wing hoax, given that it's attacking Arizona, Texas, and Okiehoma. STOP THE HOAXES!

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Danged right! If English was good enoug for Jeebus and the Bible, it sure ought to be good enough for 'Merka.

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San Francisco is gonna need a new nickname. Then again, the wingnutters probably have some of their own already.

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Even Moses spoke American... it's in "The Bible".

Book of Heston 4:23

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Meh - more time for learnin' "Intelligent Design". (Not exactly an oxymoron, but more along the lines of "Fair and Balanced")

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"“How do they think our soldiers feel coming back to Arizona and hearing some Middle Eastern term?” "

I doubt that they'd be comforted knowing that they were "fighting them over there" -- that is, spending entire years of their lives patrolling dangerous places, getting shot at, blown up, boiling in the heat, etc (also known as 'sacrifice') -- so people over here could be petty whiny fucksticks who get upset about one single momentary word used on teevee during a weather report on their local station (also known as 'being spoiled fatass bastard shits who have never made any sacrifices whatsoever').

They probably would NOT think that preventing a gibbering over-reacting dildo from having a non-offensive word happen to gently caress their sacred earholes for a tenth of a second during one day was the kind of freedumbs they were sweating their balls off for.


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<blockquote>What are the chances these hickoids ever use any of the following words that come from Arabic</blockquote>

If only they could be destroyed by telling them these facts, like super-computers in old-timey sci-fi shows that are given impossible tasks and end up burning themselves out.

Good thing the hickoid mind is safely sealed from the dangers of any and all fact-like materials from ever getting in.

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Al-Reilly declares jizzhad!

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Dear God:

Some of them got away, and now, they are writing letters. Please try harder next time?

Signed, Everyone

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i have this picture of america in my head: the coasts and random mid points (minneapolis, etc.) are like raised oases of intelligence and moderation. the rest of the country just sags into increasingly deep fissures of stupidity.

kinda like a lumpy mattress with AZ and TX the ass dents.

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Oh come off it. The Founders so did NOT put the right to say HABOOB in the Constitution. Show me where it says that!

On the other hand, if Arizona starts getting serious about scrubbing Arabic from the language, scientists - especially astronomers - are going to have a hard time talking to one another. And of course, no more Al Gebra in the schools.

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