Here we are with the fear (or is it a fantasy?), apparently very common among opponents of marriage equality, of things being forced down your throat. Did Mommy abuse you with a stomach pump when you were a child? You know, you can get counseling to help deal with that kind of trauma.

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Having to respect basic human rights is the same as betraying god?

Fucking seriously?

God's followers convince me daily that he doesn't exist.

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He really seems to like beating that word 'homosexual' into the ground for some reason. Reminds me of:


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What followers? I just hear a lot of people projecting.

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I've said this for over 30 years "If it pisses off the republicans then it must be a good thing" For me, it's that easy, it's really that simple. Republicans hate having to redo these bills, there ya have it.

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The depressing thing is that it's almost the only hobby retailer left in a lot of places. Heck, they're still the only place I've seen those delicious F engines for my rockets.

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No, no, it's okay, you're just looking at Erie PA.

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'Look, just because I turned down Irene Adler does not mean I prefer men!'

- Holmes on Holmes

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One is fun and delicious, the other one is... umm, hang on...

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What is it with the way Bryan 'I'm still relevant!' Fischer writes? You can actually HEAR the squeaking of chalk on the chalkboard, as you read him.

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Wonkette giveth and it taketh away. You can't explain it.

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Big gay is going to destroy "freedom" in America in the twenty first century, just as big black destroyed "freedom" in America in the fifties and sixties.

People like Bryan Fischer don't even realize what an incredible joke they are.

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Unfortunately on this issue he does still represent a significant portion of the American population, otherwise we wouldn't have to worry about fighting these ridiculous pro discrimination "religious freedom" laws.

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All religious extremists feel the same way, unfortunately. They're claims that its "God's will" are often little more than an excuse to justify their own irrational fear and hatred of the other.

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Off course you can have both. Allowing gay people to be themselves in no way impinges on Bryan Fischer's right to be a bigot in the name of Jesus. There are also plenty of Christians who support things like gay rights, and by his illogical way of thinking, we're violating their religious freedom by not tolerating gay people's rights.

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Gun-bibles! Or Bible-guns!

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