**Ducks** CAREFUL! Do you want to put an eye out with that thing?!?

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In 2004 ish I was in a Macy’s women’s fitting room in Colorado with a friend helping her cuz she’d had shoulder surgery. I’m not sure of the correct terminology but I noticed a trans woman who was trying on a nice business suit/skirt in front of the three sided mirror and the look on her face was pure joy of how any woman looks at herself when finding an outfit that they just look wonderful in. I just pure felt happiness for her cuz of that look on her face. My friend never even noticed. I never felt “ threatened”. She was just another human being trying on outfits. I still feel the happiness of that moment whenever I read about these issues and when Anna post her pictures 💕

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Party of small government.

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Not even that. The bill says sex at birth. Well I'm assigned male at birth but will soon be the proud owner of a vagina. That would have to be an incredibly sensitive camera.

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Dear Ol' Marge...

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IKR! I saw way more genitals in the men's room (1000s) than I have in the women's room (zero).

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I foresee an interesting trial. Just how do you go about proving that it was a transgender person in the bathroom? I don't think the accuser's opinion counts as evidence.

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"Though every great prospect pleases, And only man is vile.""Missionary Hymn", st. 2 (1819), Reginald Heber

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The teacher would almost certainly be fired.

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And/or get the sponsor's fund raising heated up for the re-election or elected to a higher office.

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I couldn't care less who shares a bathroom with me (unless they're being weird or gross about peeing on the toilet seat or something), but I can't imagine the delicate ladyfolk of Arkansas would be too happy about sharing a bathroom with Buck Angel. https://kaast.fodaco.de/wp-...

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Well all the female to male trans have to do is carry an AR-15 with them when they go pee.

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Same, Ziggy, same. I've been challenged in bathrooms before - people helpfully pointing out I'm in the "wrong" one. And it's just an annoyance to me, but it makes me angry because what if I was trans? How easy would it be for me to just roll my eyes and go on with my day? Fuck Arkansas, seriously.

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Lets see, public bathrooms have stalls for privacy, you would think those from Arkansas know that??

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Sgt. Ortega and Chaz Bono will also be sharing the stall adjacent to remarkably ignorant Rep Crawford while Laverne Cox will be sharing the restroom with her husband. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm suing the first Republican who asks to look down my pants. Because, eewww!

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