Uhhhh... not. The poopster has a billion points, from the endless reposts of his one lame racist joke on the BrightFart site.

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Γ’Β™Βͺ Γ’Β™Βͺ It's so very antebellum What a town without cerebellum Can do...Γ’Β™Βͺ Γ’Β™Βͺ

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my (human) boy spends like two hours every couple weeks cleaning our cat fountains and says exactly that.

and my old (cat) guy will STILL only drink running water out of the bathroom sink - not kitchen mind - only bathroom.

they are the fussiest of dears.

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"Do said lunatics actually pass hateful, regressive legislation? No. NO! The filthyweasel bills they introduced are systematically slaughtered in committee."

So it's not Texas... that's a pretty good start. And Little Rock is actually a quietly cool oasis of sanity in the middle of Bubbaland. My opinion of Akansas keeps sneaking upward ... I'm gonna have to redirect my hillbilly/yokel/bumpkin jokes a bit further east.

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Page 1 of his book, "Why did we stop at the 4-Dice Restaurant in Fordyce , Arkansas, for lunch on Independence Day weekend.?"

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NATO has authorized air drops of supplies to the rebel citizens, and carrier-based F-18s are patrolling the Arkansas skies on Obama's orders. (Republicans, reflexively, object.)

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Get a good look at the thing before you buy it. Mine was a bugger to clean...too many nooks and crannies. Plus, if you don't get every single bit of junk out, you're off to pond scum city. And god forbid if you go past the recommended cleaning time. It would take me about 1/2 hour to clean the thing each week. Easier for me to put clean water down in a bowl.

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Take your pick. In my experience there's dis course and, on the other hand, there's dat course.

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Great call! Perhaps they thought they were using "discord?" Or an extension cord?

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It's probably that interracial discourse that's got 'em upset. Or maybe same-sex discourse. Hard to know since they made the City Council meetings secret, and the secretary mysteriously disappeared last week.

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The Republican Party, with the help of Rudy 9iu11inai's NYPD.

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Has Fox figured out which side is full of batshit crazy teabaggers? They can't be fair and balanced when reporting on this, until they know which side they support.

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What part of "illegal to form any kind of group" would they like to clarify?

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Texas has tourists? People stuck at DFW don't count. (Except maybe in Rick Perry's calculations, where they're "job seekers from other states.")

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