Nope.. trust me, from experience, that's what they want. They'll respond with, "Yep, because all men have penises" in a gotcha moment. The best defense is to refuse to engage.

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Literally never. He won't be censored for this. It won't be on national news. He won't be disowned. He'll be cheered as a hero for "owning" that poor woman.

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This. We're subhuman to them. You wouldn't ask someone you saw as human that question in a setting like this.

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She should've said "No, do you?"

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Or, no, do you have a vagina?

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Or ask “are you coming on to me?”

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hey if he wants to offer it up, it should be on the condition that steel capped boot wearing people can stomp on it - what a garbage human he is

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This is the view from 1990 (had to cut&paste the quote!) and it has been very much quibbled over since.

My basic point was that it is Facile and Stupid to blame bad sex on Abraham.

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Will you look at that. Someone acting like they deserve to be treated like a straight white male.

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As horrible as that is, it's a testament to how shitty things are generally that I can't put this asshole anywhere near the Short List of 'World's Worst Person' candidates.

The good doc did it right. I'd have shamed him more. Loudly and at length. And that would have been the lesser choice.

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I can't imagine a cretin more worthy of trolling than McKee, and your rejoinder is very close to what I would have suggested, but my cisgender understanding is that trans people are REALLY not OK answering questions about their genitalia, while cismales like me are totally fine saying anything that would burn transphobes to the ground.

I do find myself wishing that some supporter there with Dr. Herzig had interrupted to point out that obviously McKee doesn't have one, and is hoping it's not too late to ask for a transplant, but saying that in front of Dr. Herzig would have been a hostile act.

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"If you need a donor for a transplant, I'd be happy to ask around for you ..."

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Stayed professionally cool and collected, but the shock registers on her face. And that, "I'm not through answering questions." As in, I will not let you see me cry, motherfucker.

A article about him in Wikipedia recites a string of legislative attempts that are all about the cruelty. My speculation? That he didn't give a damn about the answer to his question. He wanted the attention of the nation, and he got it. Expect him to be making the rounds of conservative pundit shows, as he makes his run-up to being the next MTG. Cruelty is the point.

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Hey, Granny, a well-intentioned reminder that we are expected to be better than assholes such as the one under discussion. Your comment may have crossed the line here.

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Agreed. In what have been one of the most horrifying experiences of her life, she managed to remain, at least on the surface, calm and composed. I don't think most of us could improve upon it even with plenty of time to think about alternatives while not under attack.

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