frankly, i would rather look at celebrities with the ugliest feet than Senator Jason Rapert

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I advocate preventive (VOLUNTARY!) sterilizations. If only to prevent future Arkansans.

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Maybe what we really need for some of these nut bags is a law legalizing retroactive abortion...

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Too bad the legislative body had no way of shutting the whole thing down.

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Looks like women in Arkansas are going to have to get preventative-abortions before every possible sexual encounter now. It's the only way to be sure...

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I'm waiting for the Handmaid's Tale law - as soon as the woman becomes pregnant, she's handcuffed and hauled off to a state-run "pregnancy center" where she will be confined until such time as she gives birth.

I mean, if these garbanzos are going to make stupid and unconstitutional laws why won't they just put the balls to the wall and go for it?

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