Viability, when it can live without a human host.

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Thanks. Obviously I have never visited 4chan.

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If Trump gets to replace Kennedy or Breyer/Ginsburg, Roe is history.

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More importantly, when does a fetus become entitled to the right to keep and bear arms?

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Oh, fuck these liars and their smirking, patronizing homilies about keeping women "safe." They want to hurt women. They like hurting women. The only things they ever keep women safe (BITTER ANGRY SARCASM HERE) from are equal rights, self-determination, sex education instead of that repressive bundle of lies they call abstinence only, freedom from abusive men, freedom from abusive religious practices, freedom to live their lives, being listened to like goddamned adult human beings, and freedom from a host of male abuses, reliable birth control, and freedom from the double standard that says women ain't shit while men are gods. Fuck them all.

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we need Women on Waves because we are now officially a third world country.

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“A woman bleeding shouldn’t have to check herself into an emergency room and have a doctor figure out what the problem is — her records should follow her,” Cox said.

That's rich coming from the party who advocates the ER for everything else- to them the ER is "healthcare access". Now, suddenly it isn't?

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i wasn't really asking for specific graphics don't'cha know

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And when it does, this death will be blamed on Obama. Or Hillary. Or both.

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CLEARLY YOU HATE PRECIOUS BABIES! Everything will be FINE if they just go through the pregnancy. And if it doesn't? Maybe they should have thought about that before being sluts. LOGIC! I WIN! HAHAHA!

Or, so I imagine these lawmakers thinking.

You can "win" any argument if you frame it as "you want babies dead".

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yes but are they grooving in a cave..

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Nah. It will be blamed on the murderous slut herself. She deserves no more sympathy than a young woman who blows herself up while making a terrorist bomb.

(Argument actually made by some Catholic priest, who was no doubt beside himself with indignation at any suggestion that his church was in any way misogynist.)

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Another of those times I wish I believed in hell, so I could blithely picture your father burning there for all of eternity and beyond. Hugs, Avenger.

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"As is Jerry Cox, president of the Family Council, who is definitely not at all just trying to get abortion banned in the state."

My advice to Jerry Cox is to go "Council" his own damn Family and stop this obsession with trying to micromanage women's pregnancies.

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I wonder if the liberal justices turned back the case for fear it could be used to overturn Roe.

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i was wondering along those same lines, because why or even how could the court refuse to hear it in light of their ruling against texas hb2

i needa lawsplainer, 5$F !

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