oh derrick you just slay me.

(seriously, you make me laugh all the time).

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Maybe somebody should bring a catapult to one of these gun arguments, to show them how dated their side seems. As a somewhat normal gun owner, these people make me want to just turn mine into a doorstop. Which is the best way to hide it from marauding dark hordes, they never look down.

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"You should see my OTHER penis!

...(if you can)"

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“An unregulated Military Rifle, being totally necessary to implicitly threaten everyone, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall become the dominion of the unhinged.”

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"Give me dietary fiber or give me death!"

--Patrick Henry

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An armed society is a polite society.

Or it is mugging people for their politeness at gunpoint.


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The only other way a white man can appear as generically threatening to other people as wearing a gun in public:

Be a black man in public.

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I am waiting to see a 'technical' on the street, and hear Wayne Lapierre defend the right to own one.

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The IMAGC telethon was a bust.

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Seems to me these creeps communicated their "ideas" just fine. Idea being that "You ladies should just run home before someone gets hurt."

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Letter from a Congressional wimp:

<blockquote>Dear Lot_49,

Thank you for writing to me with your views on the gun violence debate. I appreciate hearing from you.

In the wake of the horrific tragedy in Newtown—and Aurora, Tucson, and Columbine before that—we must do what is in our power to prevent not only these massacres, but the horrific acts of violence that plague families on our streets every day. These events demand that we engage in a rational and nonpartisan discussion that leads to lower rates of gun violence.

California already has some of the nation's strongest gun laws. We can improve our national laws to promote greater security for families around the country. We should implement an effective system of<b> background checks</b> that gives law enforcement the tools they need to ensure that guns are available only to responsible, law-abiding citizens. We should prioritize improvements to our mental health system. And we should ensure that gun traffickers are punished to the fullest extent of the law.

We can do this while at the same time respecting Second Amendment rights. Through reasoned discussion and debate, Congress should take steps to improve the safety of our children and families. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to achieve the common goal of a safer America.

Thank you again for writing to me. In San Diego, we know what kind of results we can achieve when we move past party politics and work together. That is the approach I am bringing to Washington. To stay updated on the gun debate and other matters I am working on, please visit scottpeters.house.gov to sign up for my e-Newsletter, like us on Facebook, or follow me on twitter @RepScottPeters.


Scott Peters Member of Congress</blockquote>

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No one else seemed to feel safer with more guns around. And if the black man with the Muslimy looking cap had been carrying a gun, how many of those guys would have been "shoot first, stand your ground, ask questions Benghazii questions later".

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Imagine this. You're in a movie theater. In walks a guy with a gun. He's legally allowed to do so in his stupid state. Do you: Feel safer? run for your life? walk out and get a refund and an argument with the high school dropout at the ticket booth?

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Eejit with gun: "It is my right to have this firearm, and I don't have to defend or show a need for this firearm to own it." TV anchor: "So, an interesting debate outside the statehouse today." <headdesk>

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