It was a thing about too much jail time or handing over too much power to the feds.

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Spoken like a true ignoramus. Minnesota is not a hell hole. And since neither you nor I will vote for or against her why get upset? There are 435 seats in the house. Bitch about and pressure your own.

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It snows, therefore for me it is an ice bound hell hole that likely gets unnacceptably humid in summers, asshole. And funny, my congress critters haven't been stupid fucking idiots talking out of both sides of their face regarding genocide. So instead I'll comment on the asshole, Omar, who did. So what are you going to do about it, cry?

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She voted against sanctions because she felt they’d harm civilians. She publicly condemned Turkey’s actions, and Trump’s. She may have personal biases. I’m not willing to say she doesn’t, because I also think there are a lot of biased opinions that have flooded all discourse regarding most matters in the Middle East. More specifically, Israel. She’s stated her broad opinions regarding interventions in foreign matters. And, whether consistently applied or not, I feel the US has had its hypocrisy on full display for a while now. I don’t know how we can viably clean up the situation we have invested in... probably we can’t, but I tend to be a little more patient now when hearing the opinions of people who simply want us to do things differently.

Again, I’m not defending her poor choice of words. She has made statements that were hurtful. I want to believe that she may have a tone-def issue when it comes to our political sensitivities regarding religions, possibly due to her own experiences. I also share her concerns regarding those sensitivities potentially influencing foreign policy, immigration, budgets, etc.

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She's shot herself enough in the foot for me to know she has a bias against Jews even if subconsciously by consistently voicing antisemitic tropes. The fact she's been so shit regarding Turkey's past AND current genocides shows an interesting wrinkle in her foreign policy view of the world. I would like to chalk this up to someone who is inexperienced and making rookie mistakes, but by the end of her first year on the job she STILL puts her foot squarely in her mouth.

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I agree. But she said her reasoning wasn’t because she excuses that genocide. She said it's not appropriate to utilize a legislative condemnation as a political tool, when it’s not applied consistently to all, and that includes our own actions. And, I don’t think that a non-vote is the same as a vote against it. It’s obviously not a politically popular opinion for her. The timing for this push for purity is extremely poor. But she has been fairly plain in her view regarding repairing problems from within, and, IMO, I think she is driven to start with our own. She’s probably going to have to compromise on her idealism sometime soon, as all our politicians do eventually.

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Maybe block you. You seem bitchy.

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I kind of thought it was a woman’s choice. We can make decisions on multiple issues, not just abortion.

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I understand anti-Semitic tropes. I think our language and culture are riddled with them. But I also think there is a current problem with this perception that you can’t criticize Israel’s government without criticizing all Jews.

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That’s true. She needs to get her choice of words straight, if she wants anyone to believe she’s not just a religious bigot.

Incidentally, I feel similarly about Joe Biden, and his very consistent “gaffes”. I want to believe he’s tone-def, but well meaning. But his consistent choice of wording on a great number of issues makes me recoil from the possibility he could be the next POTUS, due to the severity of our current situation. I don’t trust him. But I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, because there are a lot of Wonketteers who vouch for him. But, he’s a little old for a pivot. Omar is young.

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Lol, coming from you that's really rich. I mean good times.

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Also hey I'm not the one with multiple down votes in this thread...

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Add my face-palm.

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Ah yes, remembering all the up-votes for prison rape jokes, nude Melania pix and Ivanka/dotard pix - up-votes don't mean shit to me. Also, I notice you can't see who down voted, so fuck those cowards.

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It's complicated to be sure. Women can be just as misogynist as men - social conditioning. I am not saying Omar is; I'm sure she's very progressive on most issues. I find wearing hijab regressive along the same lines as men refusing to be alone with women other than their wives. I also have objections to people wearing their religion on their sleeve as if they are more devout than others.

But that is just me. It would be interesting to hear her take on it.

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I'm usually inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt. Omar seems to have a real problem, whether it is actual bigotry or just very bad sense (compounded by an odd set of purity principles). Whether one likes her or not, she will not have much of a career in politics if she cannot clean up her act.

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