Care to quote the specific passage? Care to cite the constitutional coordinates whereby we can look it up for ourselves?

Directing us to look up your ass, from whence this bullshit came, is not desired by the wonketatti.

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<i> someone who gave therapeutic massages to soldiers on his own time</i>

Yeah. "Therapeutic".

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Did he try the works of L. Ron Hubbard?

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The sad thing is, Obama's going to be one of the favorite ex-presidents of Republicans. They just don't know it yet.

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Libby had his sentence commuted, he was not pardoned. Officially he is still guilty -- guilty, guilty, guilty!

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"That's all for this week. Be sure to tune in to next week's episode of "I Wonder What Would Happen If......" when we dip our brave contestant in chum before dropping him in the shark tank."

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this whole story is pathetic.

some retired colonel (who gets to keep his pension) eggs on this half wit - who by all accounts found a job he was good at doing - into making loud, unlovely and untrue statements. then the half wit realizes there are consequences and backpedals in the most unseemly way.

all the while those most responsible for this nonsense get to keep making hay (and money) with it.

can't we send orly to afghanistan in his stead?

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The Lizard People are everywhere.

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I've said this before, education has nothing to do with intelligence. He probably got his degree from Oral Roberts University.

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I can haz my pension back? Pleeze?

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