"...denigrating this luxury Avenue." Churchillian eloquence with Random capitalization.

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So they claimed half a trillion off the top for the Toad's people to distribute as they see fit without oversight. Then they backtracked on providing information and oversight on the half a trillion that went to the SBA. Now they want to take $130 Billion that they managed to avoid distributing and give it to "things like restaurants and hotels" and "tax deductions for for sightseeing and tourism,"? How much of that do you think they're going to try to put directly into the Toad's pockets?

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John Oliver did a story last Sunday about how MILLIONS of families are about to get evicted from their homes in the middle of a pandemic, and nobody seems to care about that in the least.

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he tweeted because Fox News just repeated it, as they have probably a million times after it happened YEARS AGO.

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why do Americans have to do everything the hard way?

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Forget drinking water, how does he get up and dress himself in the morning?

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'Rona and Stimmy go together like....


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If there's anything worse than NOT helping people, it's the possibility that you might accidentally help someone who you don't personally think deserves it and it'll make them LAZY!

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No, the employer would simply not be liable. McConnell has said repeatedly that lack of employer indemnification is a dealbreaker for him for any more COVID-19-related bills. Because God forbid you be able to sue your boss, for making you come into an unsafe workplace.

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Really? Capital gains tax cut to solve the pandemic?

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They're not even cutting that much. A lot of it is just shuffling money around from one pot to the other.

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Has she doubled in size already?

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As Mr. Pump said in Going Postal, "When banks fail, it isn't the bankers who starve."

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People around the world tell their children to finish their dinners because children in America are starving.

The rest of the world's going to have to do a fucking benefit concert for us.

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yes because he's bigly good at talking and thinking, it's even worse if he tries to do them together.

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I actually laughed out loud at the Pigs in A Blanket chant. Who says that? I mean, is there video?

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