This happened to me when purchasing my first car in my twenties. My father came along for support. The sales person talked exclusively to my dad for many minutes, wound up his sales pitch, and asked Dad what he thought. He looked him over and said, in his dry laconic way, "You should ask my daughter. She's the one who's trying to buy this car."

I said I'd take into consideration what he said, and walked away with my dad. The next day I started a bidding war between his dealership and another with a very similar model. By phone. Just me and them. I set it up like they were in a casino and if they bet just right, they'd walk away with the deal. I made them keep dropping things, adding incentives, until they each had their dealer sheets in front of them and the price kept edging down. Finally they were hot and bothered by it all and I could tell one of them was about to calm down and realize what was going on, but I got the car I wanted at the price I wanted to pay from the dealer who caved. My dad drove me to the dealer's lot when the car was ready and I had enough money down to hand over and to sign papers. That was my first car, which I had for a long, long time. it was the ugliest car, but it was utterly dependable over 90% of the time.

And this is a fond memory of my father that stays with me.

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Bet he ain't USDA approved food material. That ought to burn his ass.

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Funny how conservatives never complain about Pubes Thomas or Squeaky Coathanger Barrett, neither of whom were nominated because of their extensive judicial record or careers as litigators.

Then there was Harriet Myers who was so unqualified, even a Republican controlled Senate told Busb to GTFO of here with that shit.

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Hell hath no fury like a rich white man denied his privilege.

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Mediocre white man says what?

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Actually, they tell them to stop ACTING black. That advice could very well work for Pat, though. Things might actually be better for him if he stopped acting so damned white.

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Is he part of the McCrory store dynasty where lunch counter sit-ins began in 1960?

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Good for you!

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Yeah. Not offensive. Inartful.

That's the ticket.

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Hey, how about a Supreme Court Justice, a woman of color, who is also a slave?

Win, win, She could be put to work on Amy Conan Bryant's hair and tightening her stays..

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Mediocre white man libel!

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I like to drink beer made from the tears of whiney white males do you like to drink tear beer made from the bitter tears of whiney privileged white males? Sure you do.

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Lizardth peopleth areth noth amusthedth

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Bad character. Just as Tiny Hands and his voters have a lot of class. Low class.

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