Did you hear about the dyslexic who walked into a bra?

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pinkocommi: Don't get me started on the commentators who think they're funny!

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I was wondering about this. Isn't this deja vu - all over again?

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No, but my brother is an agnostic, dyslexic insomniac. He lays awake at night pondering the existence of dog.

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You only put a body in the river if you want it to be found. Some guy told me that (in a movie).

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I like it!

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Eating Raoul

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Penis goes in, penis comes out...you can't explain it. Well...maybe can't remember it.

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A rabbi, a priest and a dog walk into a bar and the bartender says, "what is this...some kind of joke?"

Is that better?

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Where do Lobbyists' souls go when they start their lobbying careers?

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it's the thing between gospel and R&B.

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