It's hard enough getting through the average day with all the demands life puts on you. Can you imagine doing that as a Republican?

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It's still fun to watch her faceplant as she tries to lie her way out of the question.

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Word on the street is they're greasing up Economic Due Process for a spin.

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Southern states sececed based on the hypothetical idea that Lincoln was going to begin curtailing slavery. They had zero reason to believe he was going to do it immediately. Considering the fact he didn't even get around to it until 2 years into war should be a pretty good clue that it wasn't going to be immediate, comprehensive, or easily done.

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"And that’s one of the two parties in 2023. You can’t be honest, or you’ll get shit from (the people you hope will eventually come around to being) your supporters. No telling how Haley will try to Reconstruct her credibility after that one."

We see what you did there


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The baying pack of apologists for slavery (and the Trump presidency, they seem to be congruent shapes on a graph) are already out in force. Some idiot on GP says "It was all controlled by Arab Muslims." Some other idiot just two hours later posted, "Who financed the trans-Atlantic slave trade? The J-ish bankers." Yet another idiot asserts, " ... slavery had a very limited duration in America whereas its (sic) continued in other parts of the world for centuries."

Very limited duration of two hundred years plus.

As for how greatly it continued to flourish in other parts of the world - even Uruguay, Tunisia and NIcaragua abolished slavery before the U.S. So did Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica and Brazil. Okay, Turkey and Cuba lagged behind, but even they in the end abolished slavery WITHOUT having to fight a bloody, devastating civil war to make it stick.

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I was mostly off of all news since late 25Dec because I woke up REALLY early 26Dec to take my kids to NYC. We just back this evening.

I heard about this on BBC World News essentially every 30-60 min the whole drive home, so it is definitely A THING with a network who intermittently explains for their audience what the US Civil War was. Just getting into the details now.


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Upvoted for 𝘖𝘮𝘦𝘨𝘢 𝘎𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘺 reference.

ROY JENSON LIBEZ however; Cloud William may have been “savage”, but he wasn’t a gawdamn nazi. 😾

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

We were taught that, technically speaking, what kicked off the Civil War was the secession of the Confederate States - thus avoiding the dreaded "S" word and any ensuing controversy. Better to have taken that moment to reinforce that owning other human beings was wrong no matter what country you lived in.

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Rights and freedoms huh? SO government shouldn't be restricting my ability take roads to engage in lawful activity? Sounds like Haley should be in TX handing out some civic lessons.

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I thought every souther politician since Barry Goldwater had canned the answer and could instantly regurgitate it. What caused the Civil War?

"Sectionalism! Next question".

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Government and freedom, as if a Constitution that allows slavery comports with that.

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Tell us how slaves didn’t have to pay taxes, Nikki. That’ll fix it right up.

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"...be anything [we] want to be without government getting in the way.”

...Freedom to whip, lynch and rape people, freedom to separate families for profit, freedom to torment...

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Follow up question Nikki: Are Nazis bad?

Keep in mind Harlan Crow is in the audience and he has his checkbook out.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

“What do you want me to say about slavery?”

I think this says more about Nikki than her rambling Billy Madison answer did. She just wants to say whatever she thinks the audience wants to hear. She has no core values of her own.

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