Funny, (not funny), that idiot managed to slip a withering condemnation of our for-profit health insurance system into his bumbling, disjointed remarks. I just don't know how we remake our government into a functioning democracy. Not to be a gloomy Gus.
A businessman would know.Trump is a colossal failure in that area, from hawking water and vodka unsuccessfully to running casinos into the ground to tanking a football team. Ninety-nine point nine percent of people who inherited $400 billion would not owe Russian mobsters and the Chinese hundreds of millions after squandering that fortune.
Edit: Sorry, who inherited $400 million. ... Still an assload of money.
Combover Caligula blamed his own COVID infection on Gold Star families--the poor dears just couldn't help theyselves and had to touch and kiss him. [shudder..."Eeeeewwwww!" Spit]
Now he's blaming the outbreak on the professionals fighting it on the front lines--the very people who saved his sorry rogue ooompa-loompa ass.
He's said "suburban women" aren't grateful enough to him.
He's told his base over and over that he really doesn't want to be there and is disappointed that he's had to make the trip.
He's said he won't accept the outcome of the election unless he wins, going so far as to imply that they shouldn't count "all the ballots".
He's responsible for dozens of infections directly linked to his rallies.
He's said he plans to fire anyone in his administration who has shown even the slightest hint of a backbone--so the next 4 years would be "Trump II--Unchained and Unhinged".
Not only is this man unfit for office. He's unfit to walk free among decent folk.
So if it’s all fake, why are all those people in that photo wearing masks? Apparently their desire for FREEDOM didn’t prevent someone from making a buck selling MAGA masks.
They should all be licking each other’s faces to Trigger The Libs.
I have friends that work in a hospital, can confirm.
Actually, hospitals’ income is DOWN and has been for a while. Because of COVID they’ve cancelled all those highly profitable surgeries like knee replacements.
Funny, (not funny), that idiot managed to slip a withering condemnation of our for-profit health insurance system into his bumbling, disjointed remarks. I just don't know how we remake our government into a functioning democracy. Not to be a gloomy Gus.
Don't forget funeral homes. They are making a killing!
A businessman would know.Trump is a colossal failure in that area, from hawking water and vodka unsuccessfully to running casinos into the ground to tanking a football team. Ninety-nine point nine percent of people who inherited $400 billion would not owe Russian mobsters and the Chinese hundreds of millions after squandering that fortune.
Edit: Sorry, who inherited $400 million. ... Still an assload of money.
Who competed against himself in the casino business. That’s what did it.
They sort of did just that...
And the escalator he rode in on.
I think if/when he loses that is only the start of a new and more terrifying phase of 2020.
I may have been doing that more or less daily since 2016.
You mean more than they are already doing now? Woah
So, let us review, shall we?
Combover Caligula blamed his own COVID infection on Gold Star families--the poor dears just couldn't help theyselves and had to touch and kiss him. [shudder..."Eeeeewwwww!" Spit]
Now he's blaming the outbreak on the professionals fighting it on the front lines--the very people who saved his sorry rogue ooompa-loompa ass.
He's said "suburban women" aren't grateful enough to him.
He's told his base over and over that he really doesn't want to be there and is disappointed that he's had to make the trip.
He's said he won't accept the outcome of the election unless he wins, going so far as to imply that they shouldn't count "all the ballots".
He's responsible for dozens of infections directly linked to his rallies.
He's said he plans to fire anyone in his administration who has shown even the slightest hint of a backbone--so the next 4 years would be "Trump II--Unchained and Unhinged".
Not only is this man unfit for office. He's unfit to walk free among decent folk.
So if it’s all fake, why are all those people in that photo wearing masks? Apparently their desire for FREEDOM didn’t prevent someone from making a buck selling MAGA masks.
They should all be licking each other’s faces to Trigger The Libs.
I am sorry for your loss. And I think rage is an appropriate emotion. You can go back to grief when we VOTE THIS MOTHERFUCKER OUT.
I have friends that work in a hospital, can confirm.
Actually, hospitals’ income is DOWN and has been for a while. Because of COVID they’ve cancelled all those highly profitable surgeries like knee replacements.
It weird that in their mental arithmetic they can’t figure out that, you know, CURING CANCER would have a ton of benefits.