Remember the Great Big Secure Our Border operation that some Texas gun-humper militia guys were putting together to protect America from Guatemalan children? WELL!
Yet in 2000, we moved a friend to Osh Kosh, crossing at Point Edward, and the border services just opened the back of the truck, looked at a wall of boxes, didn't even look at her inventory, and waved us through. There could have been an entire Al Quaeda cell hiding in there (what was actually there was some plants that shouldn't have been crossing the border due to agricultural regs). So there was definitely room for improvement.
Actually, this is a brilliant tactic. The brown people storming the border will see these clodhoppers and die laughing. Mission accomplished, border secured.
Kommandant Klink can go back to being pink or whatever he was before he went black.
This like the Sarah Palin VP debates. I couldn't get 3 seconds in without going into derpory overload. Barbie? Going black? The snark just writes itself.
Check out Netflix. That's where I got to watch it last summer.
Do you remember Uncle Gaylord's? (If so, you're old).
Yet in 2000, we moved a friend to Osh Kosh, crossing at Point Edward, and the border services just opened the back of the truck, looked at a wall of boxes, didn't even look at her inventory, and waved us through. There could have been an entire Al Quaeda cell hiding in there (what was actually there was some plants that shouldn't have been crossing the border due to agricultural regs). So there was definitely room for improvement.
We'll never know.
Seriously, you guys, imagine how long it's been since any of these "men" have had sex. I mean with a human being.
Actually, this is a brilliant tactic. The brown people storming the border will see these clodhoppers and die laughing. Mission accomplished, border secured.
Kommandant Klink can go back to being pink or whatever he was before he went black.
The guys in the picture need better camouflage. I can still see them.
I think he's the one at the front.
Another unpleasant job only illegals are willing to do.
You're saying these guys don't look like Ranger School candidates?
<i>&quot;...whether disorganized lunatics with guns are more or less dangerous than organized lunatics with guns.&quot;</i>
Despite the plain language of the Constitution, they refuse to be well-regulated. #lawless
Dude in the front looks like he has the same bra size as a Corvette.
[t/y Carrie Snow.]
He is in hiding. Hiding from the fact that none of us really give a shit what he does, thinks or says.
In which case, those guys should go far.
Cluster fuck?
This like the Sarah Palin VP debates. I couldn&#039;t get 3 seconds in without going into derpory overload. Barbie? Going black? The snark just writes itself.