Happy birthday, Babydoll. I'm going to get you a tape measure for your birthday. And reading glasses.

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he asked the Costa Rican boys...

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Poor Rush needs to talk to Jill Biden. Apparently not everybody is intimidated by feminazis...

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I will fix the Nation and Stop the Wore of Terror Bush Birthed with Cheney, but we the people will have to became adults and act like we are as old as our once great notion of a Nation Nation, my path begins here read on, and Enjoy Comments gladlyacceptedWe the People of The Belihted States of Anti Love, and Anti Peace might as well say it Anti Christ, but to me its the Panty - Christ, Step up y 52 year old Crippled ass will gladly Smack the Black off your ass so hard and Fast your Grand Parents Will either Die or suddenly change Color thanks to you being an ass hat piece of shit thinks its Ruling, people need governing not ruling. Its idiocy is what this once Great Nation the USA has become plain simple, I personally want my Grand Children to have a chance to be born live grow old and thrive while alive, as all parents do. Now for all I wrote earlier today it has to be said and done or the shit is really going to hit the Fan, for now it is just the splattering from the morons upstairs not having the intelligence to use a plunger when they Clog the Crapper with every use. It Will Get Lots Lots Worse unless we all grow the F up, Trump is clogging the pipes of Creation and Hillary is swimming around in the shit pool that began close to 100 years ago, watch it when that Whore of Babylon pops through the Ceiling and hits the Fan, one will kill us all Globally and the other Will just make us all wish we were dead or could die before they shit on the planet, but for "Your Broke I'll Bomb Ya" and Fixing lots of the nations problems continue readingDam Proud of my Native American Heritage and Happy To Say F U "Your Broke I'll Bomb Ya" and lets not forget I would Gladly Fix all the Nations Problems with the Simple Adult Method read on and Enjoy this would work and all US citizens would be better off within a year and the economy would bounce back simply because I worked for a living Beginning at age 6 helping my Dad install Floors, and I worked my ass off until I couldn't anymore at 34 a 2 months before my 35th Birthday I finally let a Surgeon attempt to Help, Bad Decision but I could Barely Walk by then and went to work for what I call Burger Whop the Whopper Stop after Moving to Oklahoma, simply to feed my family I tried continuing to do Floors, but what should have taken 6 to 8 hours took me days by then so Burgrer Whop was me trying as hard as Possible, and I new my Spine Was Screwed by then work 28 years wth your Dad constantly saying tell your mom anything about being hurt you wont see another day Period, but since Native Americans Can Get help there without having a Financial Colonoscopy every 2 to 3 months once the need is recognized by the Indian Nation, Thank You Choctaw Nation for Streamlining all the BS and actually helping your people, something the US Federal and State Governments have never been willing to do, and all you entitlement whiners don't blame people for their problems help and don't piss on their tiny bit of self respect they have left and their efforts to exist, currently we live in nation that 40% to 60% of the citizens are looking to get locked up or knocked up either will see you get 3 squares a day and a roof over your head. But why make them feel like shit just to get 3 square meals day and a roof over their heads why would this once proud and self sufficient Nation rather belittle everyone needing help and make them feel worthless and successfully promote suicide and the over filling of all prisons and psychiatric Medical centers in the nation while providing the Scuzzy ass bag Leeches called social workers with a way to piss on the ones in the population that are disabled and not one of the Gov workers or I see them as Leeches period and I know there are ten of thousands that are classed as unemployable in every state simply because of the war on drugs, or some other stupid childish BS reason, Grow the F Up America We are a nation over 200 years old stop acting like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum for some stupid Shit. But we can begin to fix these Big or Pig Gov. Caused problems by starting with these few simple steps Please read on I know it will work it has every where else on the planet why not here. "but Obama he be doing the Nigger K-jigger, I personally know Nigger is Defined as Ignorant so it may not be a Nigger but it gives all Blacks a Bad Rap, if it had Hair I would happily Scalp his Hateful Ass bush Began this NWO Crap with its war on Terror, Nostradamus did predict the King of Terror anyone capable of saying Bush / Cheney was the predicted KING OF TERROR, but hey what did we expect it Certainly wasn't SIDS for the USA but put a Nigger in the White House and See It Become the Global Blight House, I'm Choctaw so his sale of US citizens to China as Slaves isn't capable of enslaving me, but I feel for all the others, File Eviction Papers On all the Obama's Now or they Will never get the F Out of the now Blight House, but the USA would be lots Better Off Just Building a New one since the only way to remove the Stains it has covered our nation in is by Vaporizing that one and starting Over anywhere else in the USA move it to Tennessee and let their Greek Goddess Hera in the Parthenon Reconstructed there be a Symbol of Hope, Want to End Bushes and All Presidents before its Blight of the Nation War on Terror and Drugs, Legalize all Drugs and make them cheaper than a Crappy Meals oops "Happy Meals" but seriously they truly are Crappy Meals yes the first 6 to 18 months there will be lots of overdoses but when the cartels cant make 2 cents here they will go away, and anyone overdosing would have from robbing someone or they would become residents of the US national product Prisoners and the Failed Prisons & Judicial System, America Take an Adult Stance on Drugs, does anyone think our Great Grand Parents Would have Ever Prohibited Drugs knowing their Childish Following of a very outspoken Racist would have put so many Millions of their Grand Children into the Prisons promoting Gender Bending, hell if that ass that pissed and moaned to get drugs prohibited knew Obama would have happened due to its activities It would have just killed itself, yes you see me saying It a lot, well that is simply I don't have any other word to call the things that have ruined the Nation for close to 100 years simply to line their pockets and F over the Global Population and of course have federal protection to keep them alive since they would have served all Americans better just lining all politicians up and Taking a Head shot at everyone who remained standing, save a bullet and line them up to wack 3 to 15 if using the rhino rounds per bullet, the only way to bail the nation out, and Obama's prevent Gun Violence BS Hey Nigger Guns aren't capable of Being Violent unless it has some self shooting Nigger knocker Gun it lives in fear of, so "Your Broke I'll Bomb Ya," you are actually saying Stop Gun Violence and keep my nigger ass alive, Nope and The Secret Service Should have Served the People and Ended Your Global Violence after the First few hours, Imprison all that are on its protection Detail for Failing to Protect the American People by Lancing that Cancer it is at its Core, I'll buy you a Bullet, or hell a clip full and I couldn't even shoot a Deer when I went hunting but I would have no problem Pulling the trigger on it given 1/2 a chance, I would rather see 300,000,000 Arrows hit every point on its body within a nano second, but what capable Archer wouldn't gladly save their Grandchildren from its insanity, but seriously it is Sin-anity after so Long letting it be the Blight it is on the World another Second, Sinners Repent and Put Down the Beast before it Takes its Final Action Save a Planet not "Your Broke I'll Bomb Ya" or Billary or Trump Flush that Sewage and Begin again as even Washington said Big Gov I prefer Pig Gov must be dealt with with a Revolution from time to time to keep the world from destroying itself simply because of multiple assholes are all crowding the same Sewer pipe, shit flows down hill until it can't then it backs up & we are at the start of a Massive Turd Floater of a Backup that the US has been Building for close to 100 years, and the rest of the planet needs to get their heads out of their own asses and act like adults "

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If by "near" you mean "within a few feet," then yeah.

As for the latter, money.

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Rush, you may have a tiny penis and everything but look on the bright side, you get to eat all the pasta and bread that you want!

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Happy birf day. I assume you can prove that with some kind of certificate. You're almost a Libra. So close ....

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sorry GOP, you don't actually have a big tent, you have a tiny tent pole...

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I love that Rush has just confirmed having a teeny weeny.

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Also: has Rush seen his own feet since 1997?

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Sorry, can't post right now, I'm sharpening some pruning shears.

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Maybe this question is answered in the original materials but how good was the penis size database fifty years ago?

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I'm well over 50. I can be in your control group.

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I think the guy who posted the question on Yahoo Answers is one of Rush's "speech" writers.

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Let's ask Mitt if those advertized enhugening products really work.

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Awaiting psuedo-scientific explanation how an abstract social movement could effect a concrete biological trait.

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