Now if we could just get a class action settlement against right wing derp, we would all be set for life.

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Except that I fear there may be a pro-stupid bias in the Supreme Court.

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Aint this just some howdy doody?I had me no clue I might get to sue someone what for the reason my talleywhacker aint in the JohnnyWad Holmes class,Just where does I sign up and who is we gonna sue for this,maybe the doc who what went and cut the skin offin of it which I suspect might have limited the growth some or maybe my dear old mammy who allowed that doc to do that,or are we going to the top and suin Jeebus and his daddy they could have avoided all this so they been negligent in not forseein that I is a couple or 3 inches shorter than I should had been.I should be able to recapture my expenses from that there one divorce also too since the slut was only after a bigger talleywhacker and paycheck which through Jebbus's neligent would not have been the cause of the divorce.Look at all the monezz Johnny Wad made just by having that big old whang I want my monezz and I dont care how I gets it or who I have to sue to make it happens

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Jarndyce v. Jarndyce libel!

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So, Big Gay is a thing, now, like Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Big Tobacco? I guess that would explain why K Street is so full of cocksuckers.

Me, I can't wait for the Big Gay Lobby to start running heartwarming propaganda ads and purchasing back-bench southern Congressmen. When are we going to see those major league sports sponsorships? Maybe NBA players will go back to wearing those short shorts.

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I know I could go for a big ginger!

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Unfortunately, Stupidity has never been a crime; it's more of a Lifestyle.

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Can they spell 'pseudo'? I suspect it would be more accurate.

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Your move, MoveOn.

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Also it gives me hope for suing the deer that reduced my vehicle's trade-in value in 2009.

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Sounds like a classless action lawsuit to me, frankly.

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It's awfully generous of Sister Margaret to share her ether with little people she so clearly finds to be in wretched bad taste.

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Well they did equate African American conservatives with ex-gays, so I'll give them that.

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