<i>short</i> thumbs.

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<blockquote>Trump explains that the masses have requested his thoughts on a variety of subjects, and he has decided to humor the people by bequeathing his film knowledge upon the plebeians.</blockquote>

Fucker Carlson, on the other hand, would never even <em>dream</em> of stooping so low as to bequeath his knowledge upon mere plebeians. Fucker is aware they exist, but does not ever wish to encounter them.

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Many personalities, though.

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Limbaugh sez today that 2012 will be between Bain Capital and Obama's <i>Das Kapital</i>. Apparently the wily Democrat Party and their sycophants in Hollyweird have planned this movie just so the evil villain 'Bane' will be confused with the virtuous Bain Capital charity. His big news is that the stimulus money all went to Obama's cronies: teachers, unions, Democrat governors, and to nonexistent companies such as Solyndra. The people at that company (as well as other solar and wind energy companies) took the stimulus money and then funneled it back to Obama. Pretty slick, huh? Of course the bad thing is the stimulus money had to come from actual American businesses because the federal government can't make money; it's a government! So the stimulus actually TOOK money out of circulation in order to give it to Obama's friends!!!!

He also said that if Obama's 'you didn't create that business' comment was taken out of context (which it was) it simply proves that Obama is not the Great Communicator or the Smartest Guy in the Room! And Limbaugh somehow makes tens of millions of dollars a year from jabbering shit like that! THAT is the invisible hand of the fucking free market!

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He sure ticks a lot of the <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Narcissistic_personality_disorder#Diagnosis" target="_blank">DSM IV's boxes</a> for narcissistic personality disorder. (All of them, Katie)

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I would like to see a double panel video of Armond White and Donald reviewing films. Although Armond's review of Dark Knight was the only one I agreed with.

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"Gelatinous swamp-thing Donald Trump" WIN! I mean. High. Fucking. Five!

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