How many books can the drawers fit?

Bible, an atheist book, Qu'uran, Torah, the Vedas, Guru Granth Sahib, Book of Mormon, Tao Te Ching, Pāli Tipitaka, the collected works of L. Ron Hubbard?

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Aw hey, Leviticus is the bestest book of all, until you get to Revelations. It's full of Fun Facts and Useful Advice. Bet you didn't know that a bat is a kind of bird, and that you should not eat one. (Lev. 11: 19)

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But other towns are much more broadminded. According to today's NYT, even atheists are sometimes allowed to lead the government-sponsored prayer. In the town of Greece, NY, near Rochester,

"For more than a decade starting in 1999, the town board began its public meetings with a prayer from a “chaplain of the month.” Town officials said that members of all faiths and <b>atheists were welcome to give the opening prayer. </b>"

File under: Kinda Missing the Point.

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The Chattooga River is where Deliverance was filmed, so you may be more right than you realize.

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Reminder: atheism isn't a faith, religion or a set of beliefs analogous to a religious doctrine. Atheists simply eschew such ways of thinking, asserting that beliefs in the supernatural are absurd and meaningless. Atheists don't subscribe to a doctrine or dogma of "non-belief" or worship a "no-God" because they think that the whole matter of religion is utter nonsense.

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I always thought the bibles in hotel rooms were in case you ran out toilet paper. Am I going to hell?

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Fuck, man, welcome to my world. 1/2 an hour making something spiffy, 3 hours to make it work cross-browser...

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Actually, yes...

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Oh yes we don't.

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This one will make me unpopular:

Spiders are our friends. Don't kill them.

I know, I know. Doesn't work when I say it to my son either...

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Those begats are as close as we came to porn for thousands of years...

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This would be a good question for Pat Robertson.

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Time to start working on the Bible de los Pixel.

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Yes we do. Free rolling paper in every cabin! Hell Yeah!

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I thought we libs were against book burnings?

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Be fair: how would anyone even <i>know</i> about Christianity if those Bibles weren't there?

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