Some years ago someone put a bunch of them up along the road that runs by my house, and then strung wires between them. I have no idea what to make of it.

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When you are a public official you are accountable even for things that you do after hours and on your day off. Actually that is true for any public employee, but the bar is set higher and scrutiny is greater as you move up in the hierarchy and attain more prominent positions.

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You could call it the Marion Barry Rule.

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But remember, God helps those who "help" themselves.

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Does Cochran's book include pix or illustrations of all of these icky gay things? Asking for a friend...

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"Cochran" would be a good porn name!

-- Peter Long

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So, how much money will the fire chief make on his speaking tour telling the story of how he was "silenced" for Jesus?

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Yes, because being fired for not following the process to ensure that what you write is misconstrued as speaking official policy for a civic institution is exactly the same as being <em>shot and killed</em> for expressing an opinion that offends.

Shameless dimwits.

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<i>There are even more words! Cochran goes on to describe sex by The Gays as a “vile, vulgar and inappropriate” act that “defile[s] their body-temple and dishonor[s] God.”</i>

There have to be easier ways to tell people you had the locker room dream again.

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rotten to the core...

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I don't think that the wingnuts opinion of 'freedom' has changed because of the gays. It has meant 'the freedom to agree with their statements', since the reign of Dubya.

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I thought the same. But in an ideal world, public ostracism would be punishment enough.

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That was from all the throat-cramming.

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Mr Tumnus found them for him.

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It's probably a policy to ensure that material published by people who work for the city doesn't a) purport to speak for the city/espouse policy b) embarrass the city. Because despite the fact that it wasn't published in his public person as Chief, his name is still connected with the city, and as an officer, he's seen as inhabiting a responsible position. Basic boilerplate.

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Wingnuts haven't figured out that an analogy doesn't have anything to do with the anus.

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