I would like to know the current count of how many have been fired, suspended or arrested even since just the Floyd murder.

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Ditto w/the ex, except I got a phone call, from the cops, from the hospital. Dum Ex (who is now dead, and not of DUI) had crashed the car down a ravine; farmer drove past & saw, called cops. I got to the ER whilst ex was still drunkenly insisting to the cops that they go back to ravine to look for me cause I was with him when he crashed! He was HoleeFuckingShit!! drunk, that's how drunk he was. Did he get arrested? Nope. Why? Cause they hadn't seen him driving. Decades ago, but still.

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Got a link? I can't find it from the information I've got.

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This happens a lot. Half of all cops develop PTSD after 10 years. We aren't spending nearly enough on mental health counseling for cops, not to mention the toxic "only weaklings ask for help" mentality in most precincts.

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Ok, nearly got the "Pepsi came out of my nose" Award. XD

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Can, and often does. These 2 were Iowa farm kids, whose widowed daddy moved them to CA and remarried. One started out as LEO, and was in fact in on the call-out after Tate/LaBianca murders -- so that was a long-assed time ago. He burned out & went into Corrections, took his bro with him. I've one rule with those 2: No racial slurs, no bigotry of any kind, can come out of your mouth in my presence. I will leave, or you will. End. They are about as calloused as it comes.

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I love his Coke commercial.

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I like beer.

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After the nude bicycle race photo shoot, they returned the bikes to the rental company, but the company wouldn't accept return of the seats, because they were "soiled".

When they went on tour to promote the album, they'd do contests at the local rock stations where the x caller won two tickets to the concert and one of the soiled bicycle seats.

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She is a real person, you know. When she turned 18, Daddy bought her a pink Cadillac convertible.

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When you dismiss their claims that the danger in their job demands that sort of response, they say, "Do you know what sort of people we have to deal with?"

The answer is: The same demographic a convenience store clerk working the overnight shit deals with, only without a badge and gun.

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The Wendy's management called the cops. At this point, I view calling the cops on anyone except possibly an obviously rich white guy as straight-up attempted murder, so I really can't say I feel bad about the vandalism.

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The thing is that not a single bit of this was necessary. There was no reason to escalate. The moment he wanted to fuck off, they should have let him go. He wanted to walk to his sister's house. That means that when he ran, they *had the fucking car*. Most people can't fucking sacrifice a car in this fucking country. They had his *GODDAMNED CAR*. They had the sobriety test. They could have just fucked off, filed the report, and let a prosecutor and jury handle it. Yeah, he grabbed the taser, but he was also fucking running away. What did they expect him to do with the taser?

Oi. It really feels like the police are out to prove that every single interaction with them ends up with a black dude getting shot. I swear to fuck I could just say hi to an officer and five seconds later there's going to be three dead black people. The police officially fucking suck at their jobs. The police need to go. ALL OF THEM.

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Statue was no angel.

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Either Stacey or Keisha would be fine for VP and the other for governor, but my druthers would be Val Demings for VP, Keisha stays where she is because Atlanta for a few more years, and Stacey wins the governor's race beyond cheating margin.

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Links? Half of LEO’s have PTSD, that’s a bold statement.

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