Twelve days after opening "Atlas Shrugged: Part 1," the producer of the Ayn Rand adaptation said Tuesday that he is reconsidering his plans to make Parts 2 and 3 because of scathing reviews and flagging box office returns for the film.
Us mechanical engineers know material science buster, we just don't go around bragging about it and think we should make the most money in the world off of it. New alloys and composites come out every week that would put Galt's to sham er shame.
<i>The Mountin&#039; Head</i>
Your pastor stole it for you?
Atlas Tromped
Us mechanical engineers know material science buster, we just don&#039;t go around bragging about it and think we should make the most money in the world off of it. New alloys and composites come out every week that would put Galt&#039;s to sham er shame.
Damn, Sarah must be feeling the heat. This fellow quit 1/3 of the way through! What will Sarah do now?
Paging Benjamin Frisch!
Rename it &quot;Pointless Torpedo of Crap: Sequel is not an option&quot;
Didn&#039;t work for Tom DeLay, but maybe Chucky will find the &quot;right&quot; approach.
Does this mean no one will &#039;go Galt&#039;?