If only he sold arms to Iran and sent the money to a South American terrorist group like a real president he would have gotten the hostages.

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Quantum Politics? OK, I'm stealing that...

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I suspect that L-Marv needed the money, and probably was embarrassed on many levels to have to associate himself with such piece of 35mm toilet paper.

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Definitely the robot to find the plane. Shit, what are we paying Lockheed for if not giant robots!

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Wake me up when we get to Plan 9. No way ISIS can beat the guy in the bear suit and diving helmet.

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In the 1950's a sportscaster asked an retired ball player if Ty Cobb could play in "today's" major leagues.

Guy said "Yeh - but he'd probably hit about .250."

".250? He was one of the greatest hitters of all time! He was a .400 hitter!"

"True - but he's sixty-five."

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I completely agree, but it would be nice if he would 'catapult the propaganda' from time to time and remind people why they need to vote, with votes.

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Special Forces, pfffft. Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris and Marky Mark Wahlberg would've gotten it done. Just ask 'em.

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Happily, you are not an abused four-year-old - and you don't act like one, either.

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Wasn't it about 9 to 12 months ago that a lady wrote a book about the SEALs rescuing her from "militants" in Africa? It didn't get a lot of play because the only thing that happened was the US Military landed from helicopters, made their way to the base, shot several bad guys with no losses, rescued the people (wasn't one of them European?), took everyone back to the departure home, and came home safe and sound.

Do you remember seeing this story on Faux News?

I don't either.

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It was January 2012 - Where does the time go? The booze...the booze...

Anyway - the book is "Impossible Odds" (available at the Amazon store near you - click on the ad to the right and at least look at it - OK?)

01.26.12 Navy SEALs’ Daring Hostage Rescue May Signal More Somalia Land Raids by U.S.

The U.S. commando raid by the unit that killed bin Laden suggests that more Somalia land ops might happen, writes Margot Kiser. Plus, Josh Dzieza on Jessica Buchanan, the rescued American aid worker.

A U.S. Navy SEALs unit, of the same special category that killed Osama bin Laden, has rescued an American and a Dane from pirates who captured them three months ago in Somalia. The Danish Refugee Council said the two were flown to Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, where doctors said they are in reasonably good health. The American remains in hospital for observation, but both plan to reunite soon with their families.

In a pre-dawn raid on Wednesday the 25th (early evening Tuesday, U.S. East Coast time), members of the highly-elite SEAL Team Six parachuted into an area near the pirates’ inland nest far from the coastal region around the town of Galkayo—a disputed, outlaw stronghold that's earned the name "kidnap central." Jessica Buchanan, 32, a former fourth grade teacher from Virginia, and Poul Thisted, 60, of Denmark, both employees of the Danish Demining Group (DDG), were abducted there in October. Pirates holding the pair had demanded a ransom of $10 million.

A Djibouti-based U.S. anti-terrorist unit, Joint Special Operations Command Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) launched the raid from Galkayo’s airport, near where the aid workers had been abducted. CJTF-HOA includes forces from the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. … <a href="http://www.thedailybeast.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/01/26/...">http://www.thedailybeast.co...

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me personally, i'm harassing every under 25 year old i can lay my hands on - esp chicks - and reminding them what republicans represent and what their SCOTUS appointments do to women's health and reproductive rights.

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<i>"...thank Bill O’Reilly for his generosity in not making a judgment as to whether either of them looked like a Muslim"</i>

He didn't <i>say</i> either looked like a Muslim. But he was thinking it.

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We don't need you, so get back in your rocking chair Sylvester.

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Lee Marvin was a US Marine combat veteran. Most of his unit was killed at Saipan. I wonder if he ever felt a little silly making a movie like that, after being in the real thing.

I wonder if Chuck Norris ever felt silly playing a hero next to a real one...probably not.

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Until observed by qualified pundits, a hostage exists in indeterminate state, and may act as either a hero or a terrorist. Quantum Politics is tricky stuff.

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