With all of the Wall Street criminals taking Monday off, and apparently just sick and fucking tired of only being despised by gun nuts on the right, Attorney General Eric Holder sent his G-men in to bother a bunch of fucking hippies at Oaksterdam University.
I hate to say this, but I've come to suspect that the President is exhibiting what I call Guilty Parent Syndrome. I've seen this in quite a few of my fellow Boomers and post-Boomers (I'm an oldish parent, so most of the parents of my kids' contemporaries are Xers).
It runs something like: I did various recreational substances when I was younger, and it was even sometimes pretty cool; but the drugz made it hard for me to excel at what I wanted to do (strong form: almost snared me into a lifetime of addiction); so my children must be protected from the temptation, even if that means imprisoning a lot of other peoples' children for doing what I once did.
Guilty Parent Syndrome can be a really powerful motivator. Coupled with forty years worth of institutionalized Drug Warriorness (which has its own motivations, most of them financial), we get business as usual.
I admire President Obama, but there are points upon which we disagree. The "mini-surge" in Afghanistan was one, but there it appears that he may have emerged from the Pentagon's spell. The Drug War is another, and there -- unfortunately -- it appears that his position is unchanging.
Shit, I was in the Air Force for a few years. On the one hand, I wasn't in long enough to become a junior colonel like Allen West, but on the other hand I wasn't forced out for being even a bigger piece of shit than the military could stand.
BUT, I readily cede my place in the Wonketeer line-up of VPOTUS candidates to ttommy, who -- living in Georgia as he does -- would be a perfect electoral complement for either Rmoney or Mr. Faecescious. Close contact skills, also.
A little OT. I find that most of the jobs I apply for now a days require me to take a drug test. I've never had a problem passing but that has been purely by chance. If they would ask me if I take drugs I would be honest and I say that I like to smoke a doob once in a while with my friends and my preferred method of mind alteration is organic hallucinogens such as mushrooms but I would never show up at work stoned any more than I would show up at work drunk. I find it strange that they never ask if I take drugs. They just get me to piss into a sterile cup instead which is sealed by a nurse substitute and inserted into a machine that mindlessly performs the tests and emails the results to my potential employers HR department. The nurse substitute never knows the results.
Everyone picks on stoners, because it's easy. It should be a crime to harsh ones mellow.
Still waiting on that first post of the day! Tapping my foot!
For not having a live-blog last night <i>some</i> people seem to be sleeping in today. Or did Newell get in yet another bar fight?
Well, I suppose the defining question is: do you think that people who don&#039;t agree with you (including those lunatics) belong in jail?
Now, that&#039;s over the line.
Oakland, CA is &quot;Ritz cracker country&quot;?
I hate to say this, but I&#039;ve come to suspect that the President is exhibiting what I call Guilty Parent Syndrome. I&#039;ve seen this in quite a few of my fellow Boomers and post-Boomers (I&#039;m an oldish parent, so most of the parents of my kids&#039; contemporaries are Xers).
It runs something like: I did various recreational substances when I was younger, and it was even sometimes pretty cool; but the drugz made it hard for me to excel at what I wanted to do (strong form: almost snared me into a lifetime of addiction); so my children must be protected from the temptation, even if that means imprisoning a lot of other peoples&#039; children for doing what I once did.
Guilty Parent Syndrome can be a really powerful motivator. Coupled with forty years worth of institutionalized Drug Warriorness (which has its own motivations, most of them financial), we get business as usual.
I admire President Obama, but there are points upon which we disagree. The &quot;mini-surge&quot; in Afghanistan was one, but there it appears that he may have emerged from the Pentagon&#039;s spell. The Drug War is another, and there -- unfortunately -- it appears that his position is unchanging.
Then this Wonker still loves you.
These people.
Shit, I was in the Air Force for a few years. On the one hand, I wasn&#039;t in long enough to become a junior colonel like Allen West, but on the other hand I wasn&#039;t forced out for being even a bigger piece of shit than the military could stand.
BUT, I readily cede my place in the Wonketeer line-up of VPOTUS candidates to ttommy, who -- living in Georgia as he does -- would be a perfect electoral complement for either Rmoney or Mr. Faecescious. Close contact skills, also.
Good point. I have rarely indulged for a couple of decades, but I always preferred cookies.
I was glad Obama called it &quot;Social Darwinism,&quot; because that&#039;s what it is.
I can&#039;t wait to see the rightwing indignation over the use of that term in the next few days.
baby microwaving?
shit. that&#039;s -
LOOK OVER THERE!!! someone said SKULLFUCKING and r*tard!!
A little OT. I find that most of the jobs I apply for now a days require me to take a drug test. I&#039;ve never had a problem passing but that has been purely by chance. If they would ask me if I take drugs I would be honest and I say that I like to smoke a doob once in a while with my friends and my preferred method of mind alteration is organic hallucinogens such as mushrooms but I would never show up at work stoned any more than I would show up at work drunk. I find it strange that they never ask if I take drugs. They just get me to piss into a sterile cup instead which is sealed by a nurse substitute and inserted into a machine that mindlessly performs the tests and emails the results to my potential employers HR department. The nurse substitute never knows the results.
He prides himself on his ability to speak without prepared text, but his speeches really suck.
Listening to Paul Ryan...W\he credits it to Obama, but wasn&#039;t &quot;uniter not a divider&quot; a George W. Bush line?
And Ryan&#039;s reciting a &quot;string of bumper stickers&quot; says Maddow.
Ryan also says a president shouldn&#039;t blame others, then Mitt comes on and starts blaming Obama for job losses, poverty, and gas prices.
Mitt&#039;s victory speech is just terrible, in terms of both wording and delivery. The substance also sucks, but that&#039;s a given.