So long as you're OK with toll booths, sure. Rent seeking is an honorable profession, in the libertardian paradise.

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The very thought of gainfully employed Americans, cheering for their President as they rebuild the nation, brings tears to his eyes.

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There's the little things too - as in I've noticed traffic lights seem to be broken much more than they used to (pretty much never) and stay broken for several days before they're fixed. Even if they're causing grave traffic problems.

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I don't think bridges have pension funds to plunder. But hey, if the Chinese want to buy a few, I got a nice one over the East River they ought to have a look at. Why buy a fixer-upper when you can get solid pre-war construction?

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Don't tell me you believe in that entropy hoax!

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Small govmint crackers -- those come in an MRE, right? With govmint cheese?

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can we just cut to the chase and throw Carly Rae off a bridge?

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The only way to stop a bad bridge with a failing structure is with a good bridge with a gun.

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they're back filling the gulch with Abrams tanks as we speak

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Doing my best! Might have to settle for Associate Evil Henchman for the time being.

No pay, but I get to take all the time off I want.

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Seems like if we repaired all these crappy bridges a lot of people would be put to work and the economy would have a bunch of money injected into it and the country would be a better place.

But that would Obummer would be a successful president and we can’t have that can we Mr Boehner?

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It's all part of the new Wonkette Diet.

Details upcoming in the Wonkette Arts and Leisure Section of Doom.

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Would be nicer if everybody on earth didn't have a nephew with the same skill set... Or at least what they think is the same skill set.

Welcome to my world, where 15 years of work experience is outweighed by someone with 15 years of total life experience.

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The invisible hand of the market clearly did not want a bridge there.

'nuff said.

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I am so sad that I will almost surely be unable to go...

Guess I could quit my job.

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sucking the knob of the golden calf- sounds like foreplay before goat fucking

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