Better not be anyone with brown skin either. They might just be biased.

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Dunno if someone has mentioned this already, but they're reporting that a suspect in the bombings has blown himself up after being confronted by the police.

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I cannot tell you the number of late-night calls I've gotten from people that I'm pretty sure are turning in their own dealer because they're pissed off at them. Or turning in their relative's dealer because they're hoping to cut off their supply.

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24? My bet is wanna be military and could not hack it

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Is he a neo-NAZI uhMEHRkan taliban terrorist? It would be irresponsible not to speculate!!!!!

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No need. We all know those treasonous antifa FBI thugs who made up the tale of Trump Russia collusion also took down a white, homeschooled, conservative young man who is now "unfairly labeled as a domestic terrorist" in yet another of their Hilllary-loving FBI raids on the value system of our president and his voters.

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How do you come to the conclusion that “white supremacists” are working on bomb plots?

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More like paranoid right-wing survivalists who are pissed they never got accepted into the army and have a closet full of cammos and a garage loaded with shit they bought off Infowars.

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Baby girl, warn me before you flash so much hotness in my direction, I coulda broke something swooning!

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And, you got it right:“The bombings in Austin are terrible,” Trump said. “Local, state and federal are working hand-in-hand to get to the bottom of it. This is obviously a very, very sick individuals or individuals. These are sick people and we will get to the bottom of it. We are very strong." And the Sarah says it is not terrorism. So, don't worry, be happy. http://thehill.com/homenews...

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FedEx turned over whatever was on their security footage. hoping that leads to something.

also, Gov. Wheels gave us some additional funds to get some bomb sensing robots or something. I guess he does care about us even if he thinks we smell like "NOT Freedom".

and, oh Crom, Trump has spoken.

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We ALL want to be forensic experts on the Internet. Yes, including myself very much so.

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So, i wonder if all those Gopers who have been throwing stinkbombs at the FBI are gonna continue to blast the agency, or will they recognize the need for their investigative skills???

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Yep. Tell me again why I should give a shit about coal miners.

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