Nietzsche hipsters

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We split Vienna. The Americans took Salzburg.

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British Intelligence said Austrians were 'in general' against Greater Germany, but were lackadaisical in their resistance, expressing it by being slow in service, or not giving salutes correctly.

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It might do, read somewhere that people who live close to the Arctic circle have the highest suicide rates, but during the summer when it is always light, not during the winter darkness.

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Got bad news for you about Poland - after he won the presidency, his party won the elections as well.

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Ooh, the burn! It hurts!

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Apparently, the threat of having to be nice to refugees has made the Austrian government consider anyone outside their borders to be unworthy of consideration.The Italian residents that Sylvia Poggioli interviewed were pretty solidly unhappy about the whole thing.

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I dunno, it looks like they're trying to.

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I went to college in Austria. This does not surprise me even a little.

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The hills were alive with the sound of xenophobia?

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Pretty much.

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If you can find one. When I lived there there was one tiny synagogue left in the whole country, hidden away in the old city, that did not hold regular services, was not on most tourist maps, and that had armed guards outside (this was in the 70s when that was still quite rare).

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It's a known side effect of edelweiss-huffing.

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Needz moar Schmeissers.

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(West) Germany's dealing with its nazi past has been far from perfect ("too little, too late" applies), but there is a broad societal consensus on what happened and who bears the responsibility, although progressing temporal distance and other factors certainly erode that.

Comparing our (mandatory) education on the third reich and the holocaust nowadays and the official ownership of the deed with the mindset described by Squirrel_t_robot is like a study on how and why neo-confederate ideas are not only popular but actually resurgent in the south-east US.

Although with organizations like the Daughters of the Confederacy, the more apt comparison would perhaps be east Germans, who were told all their lives "Yes, the nazis did horrible, terrible things, but you are not a nazi, you are a socialist. You are not even not to blame, you are to be lauded for being an enemy of nazism."

It's a tragedy, but hardly surprising, that there have for years been whole rural districts in Saxonia politically dominated by the NPD. One can only hope that steady and patient education can one day dissolve the cognitive dissonance at work there.

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That's an actual translation, not google translate.

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