This is not a trifling matter.

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Qevin is just showboating. Nine GOPs voted yes, of whom 7 are retiring, got redistricted out, or didn't get reelected. So there are exactly two GOP Congress members who voted for the good of their constituents.

Fred Upton MI (retiring)Liz Cheney (retiring)Adam Kinzinger IL (retiring)Rodney Davis IL (retiring)Chris Jacobs NY (retiring)John Katko NY (retiring)Brian Fitzpatrick PAJaime Herrera Butler WA (retiring)Steve Womack AR

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I was thinking they would be forced to make smores together and realize that we are all alike. Happy show.

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That's basically how the House went the last time the GOP was in charge of it.

Many many Select Committees to investigate Democrats.Declarations of National [_______] Day.Much ratifying of treaties. Many Post Offices named.

Seriously, the list of bills passed in the 115th Congress (2017-19) is really embarrassing:https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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The crypto bro also had hundreds of shell companies.So does Alex Jones.

Legislation is needed.

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Dude, block me instead of whinging.

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The Trump taxi fleet earlier today was fantastic. In a psychotic way.

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I made some cranberry /orange/nut bread that fell apart. So it became trifle with vanilla pudding and mandarin oranges. And it is delicious. Sometimes accidents become what "I intended all along".

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we don't think "Congress buried in snow" would make either a good disaster OR Lifetime Christmas movie, sorry.

Well, to be fair, if it was about the Republican coke orgies Madison Cawthorne was on about that might be pretty good.

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That's why trifle was originally invented - a way to use up failed or stale cakes. Let's face it, ANYTHING becomes edible with enough whipped cream.

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Next year, for sure.

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True, but doesn't make it any less foolish and dangerous.

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"Christmas Week" ends Sunday. Then it's "New Year's Week." Another year? We have to put up with this shit another whole year?

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We are all meat.

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Errm you've seen what Republican Congresspeople look like, right? Might make a good horror film

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