Already told him to buy an atlas...look up capitol of the US...Menendez too ...another one with the hand out

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The deal doesn't need the approval of the US.,.. we are only minor signatories. The rest of the planet goes along with it....How long will it take for big business to book flights to Tehran once this is over???

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Well, they're beholden to their constituents, not Europe or the IAEA. Sad though, support over an actually good deal becomes nothing more than politics. I feel like Mr. Preznit needs to pull out the same phrase he used against Republicans for the outcry over healthcare. "If you have something better, pass it and send it to my desk".

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I'm really hopeful that this deal actually works out. For one, I've met a few people from Iran and no snark, they were some of the coolest, funniest people I've ever met. Absolutely nothing like the way the hardliners in the government (and our own government) make them out to be. Second, this would mean a treaty with Cuba and Iran in Obama's term, leaving North Korea as the only real holdout government causing real trouble in the world. And I think we will need to find a way to deal with them sooner rather than later. I just hope whoever lands in office next doesn't fuck all this up.

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Ben Stein isn't too bad.

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And get George Lucas to admit that Han shot first.

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Depends on how drunk you are.

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You mean cute the way that a 3 year old scolding his mom and telling her Santa won't bring her presents is cute? Like - "oooh he's clueless and out of his depth" cute? No.

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It is, but equally sad that the remaining haven't because they think black rain is just a movie (even fewer don't realize it was a movie before 1989).

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I guess he is, in a Wonder Bread kinda way. Unfortunately, he'd be hell on the electricity bill to keep around the house, given how many times you'd have to zap him with a cattle prod whenever he says something stupid.

Sadly, some men just aren't worth the price of housebreaking them.

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I expressed my disappointment/outrage in emails and on his FB page. Eff AIPAC.

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Dunno. I get my Israel news from J Street http://jstreet.org because they're way more in line with my thinking.

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A nice big bag of salted rat dicks.

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Canada was one of the three international partners in the Manhattan Project so it was intimately involved in the development of nuclear weaponry right at the start. Canada is a vital partner and co-strategist in the comprehensive North American nuclear deterrence stance. Canada doesn't have any nuclear weapons of its own at present because it is defended by the US-based arsenal. In return the US gets an international diplomatic ally that has its back and a major trading partner and is spared from the need to militarily defend its longest land border, which is very, very long indeed. International diplomacy and strategic alliances, bitchez. They are awesome things.

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Trix! We have an infiltrator!@!!

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