alternate ending: he gets ensnared in the ropes trying to enter the ring and he CHOKES! we'll have the fight in Mexico.

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exactly! so where is this 'fucking' barn everyone keeps talking about?

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Don't they have a designation for "Beyond Remediation"?They should take off and nuke it from orbit.Only way to be sure.

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Trump: "What -- pussies??WHERE?"<drools>

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I'd buy that for a dollar.

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only the slow ones.

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And she's not even a Sabra.

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Nice ending! Dies because of his own ineptitude. I went with heart attack as a result of his gluttony and lack of restraint. It would probably be AOT,K.

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I thought Trump and his deplorables were all about "old-fashion violence". Hasn't KAC ever been to a Trump rally? Probably not. Afraid she might get something grabbed. And Trump saying Handsome Joe is only brave because he's standing behind a microphone. Hi-Larious!!! Observe the fearlessness of Der Drumphster starting around 30 seconds in. http://www.rawstory.com/201...

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Wait! Wait! I recognize this! THESE ARE THE THINGS I DEAL WITH IN MY OFFICE EVERY FREAKING DAY! I love Joe Biden, but Jesus, guys, you aren't 12 any more!

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Much as it pains me to attribute intelligence to The Donald, that is not a bird to be fucked with, and stupid as it may be to encroach on its space with your naked hand, recoiling immediately (or sooner) is the smart move as soon as it budged in your direction.

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I would like Joe Biden to shut the fuck up. I am sick to death of asshole men strutting at each other with their dicks swinging. It is the opposite of helpful for Biden to be playing the Turnip game. It reminds me of what a fucking asshole he was about Anita Hill. Blech.

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Did no-one tell Trumpy about the optics of speaking with a PUMPKIN in the background? Or have they just given up and are inviting the inevitable "who's more orange" jokes?

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Donald Trump uses hacky sacks for boxing gloves.

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they'd just learned that Trump was going to meet Biden behind the gym after school.

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Aside from the minions of Trumpitude, is there anyone left who DOESN'T want to beat the crap out of him? Sheez, and I thought Cruz had a punchable face (he does). Given the opportunity, there'd be a train-pulling line-up like Last Exit To Brooklyn, except for gang-punching instead of gang-banging.

Um... with VOTES, of course.

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